#my list

 It’s the middle of March (too early to even think about MerMay in general), but I want to com

It’s the middle of March (too early to even think about MerMay in general), but I want to complete my MerMay prompt list ahead of time. Feel free to use it for MerMay.

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Well, I was in my house watching some TV when something really funny started “TODAY THEY’RE GONNA DO THE ‘87 THING’, THEY’RE GOING TO RUN NAKED IN A FULL STADIUM” and well, you can think: what the…? but this is a tv show called “what do you want to do before you die”, and after some minutes searching and laughing about some lists I decided: hell yeah, I’m doing mine. So this is my list, with 100 things I want to do before I die.

I have to explain that some of them I’ve already done and I liked this so much that I want to put it here and say: I did it. So here is:

1- Go to a concert from my favorite band ever (One Direction)  

2- Travel by airplane

3- Meet the snow

4- Travel to another country

5- Donate blood

7- Do a parachute jump

8- Kissing under the rain

9- Plant a tree and see it grow

10- Make a tatoo

11- Write a book (even if nobody read it)

12- Meet the 7 continents

13- Swim naked in a pool

14- Dance in the middle of street

15- Make a social experiment with someone

16- Adopt a dog

17- Meet my virtual friends

18- Get drunk, I mean, really drunk.

19- Learn French fluently

20- Watch the sunrise of the new year

21- Watch the sunset when you feel sad

22- Spend new year in London and/or New York

23- Spend a day talking on english

24- Go inside a Piramid 

25- Water-Ballons War 

26- Live alone or with my best friend in another city

27- Relearn to  play piano

28- Make a huge surprise for someone

29- Cook for someone

30- Cook marshmallow in a bonfire

40- Help somebody that you don’t know 

41- Go to a halloween party with a REAL costume (sophia as maleficent)

42- One month being vegetarian

43- Slipping in paperboard like I used to when I was kid

44- Meet my favorite actors

45- Dance in the street with friends

46- Make a flashmob in my school/college

47- Make a lip dub in my school/college

48- Make a uniform like a cheerleader 

49- Live in another country 

50- Read an entire collection 

51- Watch an entire serie 

52- Play in a rollercoaster 

53- Scream “I love you” on the top of a ferris wheel

54- Make a collection of something

55- Save a leaf in a book

56- Go to a Comic Con event

57- Photograph me a whole day (week/month) to see my face every hour.

58- Have more than 50 books

59- Have my own pet

60- Cut my hair on my shoulder (lord you’ll wait years for this)

61- Appear on tv, even for 5 seconds.

62- Say “hi” and “good morning” everyday in the year

63- Watch a  meteors’ rain

64- See the Northern Lights

65- Face a fear

67- Tell my secret ex crushes that I used to love them.

68- Go to a fucking crazypark

69- Meet dolphins

70- Hug someone famous, dont matter when

71- Be free and happy with my body

72- Deal with a friend for more than 20 years.

73- Donate the hair I cut for a Cancer Inst.

74- Write my name at “The Beatles’ Street”

75- Be and extra in a film

76- Be a member of the audience in a TV show.

77- Be part of a huge project

78- Left a note in a book for someone

79- Learn how to drive

80- Win a award for something

81- Draw or paint something and sell it

82- Pretend a accent for a whole day

83- Go to a cinema drive in

84- Appear on the journal 

85- Stay awake for 48 hours

86- Use braces and take its off

87- Dont inveigh something or something for a day. (week maybe)

88- Meet the real Parthenon 

89- Make a DIY correct

90- Meet Disney!!

91- Be a wedding’s godmother

92- Go to a fan’s meeting

93- Kiss a stranger when I’ve just seen him

94- Laugh till I cry for it

95- Go to a campus party

96- Go to duble dates

97- Spend a night awake just playing games

98- Eat all milkshake kinds here in my city (there’s more than 100!!)

99- Fell in love - trully- with somebody

100- Complete this fucking awesome list
