#my lowly offering to lo’s brain


Garages and Gazes part 7 (Kili x f!reader)

After Kili left for work, you tried to get some work done but your mind kept straying back to the words he’d so easily offered. Soulmates. You turned the word over in your mind, contemplating what it meant to you. Every time you did, you thought of Kili’s soft smile when he said the words to you earlier and how those words tangled themselves through your nerves where they brought a warmth humming beneath your skin.

When another hour passed and your work still sat incomplete on your laptop screen, you sighed heavily and shut the device, giving up on concentration for the day.

Now that you were alone and all distractions gone, the doubts flitted through your mind like ghosts, barely noticeable, just out of sight, but altogether leaving an uneasy feeling in your chest. Could soulmates be real? Normally, any date mentioning so would have you running for the hills but somehow, coming from Kili, it sounded like a fairytale.

The mere thought of him pulled a soft smile to your face and you knew soulmate or not, you wanted to stay near the sunny man who your world was beginning to revolve around.

As if he knew where your thoughts strayed, your phone lit up with his name across the screen, making sure you were free for another karaoke date tonight.

You grinned before typing out a coy response.

(Y/N): It depends.

Kili: On what?

(Y/N): Do you mean at the pub or in my bedroom?

Kili: Dinner and singing at the pub first, dessert and encore in the bedroom after?

(Y/N): I am definitely free then. I’ll see you at 7?

Kili: I’ll be counting the minutes.

You giggled to yourself, glancing at the clock, whose hands seemed to have stopped altogether in your anticipation of seeing your favorite mechanic. Trying to will away the time left until your date, you tidied your apartment and did some laundry, making sure to change your sheets and fluff your pillows. When it was close enough to seven, you took a shower and got yourself ready for your date, your mind shuffling through possible karaoke songs for tonight.

Every few minutes you glanced back at your clock, your excitement building with each passing minute. You shook your head slightly, trying to will some sense into your mind; normally you would balk at the idea of magnitude and speed at which these feelings attacked you, but with Kili as the source, you revelled in the emotions wrapping themselves around your heart.

Finally, it was time to meet your favorite mechanic and you all but skipped to your car in joyous anticipation. Humming idly to yourself, you made your way through the little town you were quickly considering your home as drove toward Bofur’s pub.

You pulled in just as the sky darkened but your personal sun was beaming in the parking lot as he waited for you. Your heart did somersaults against your ribs as you took in his form leaning lithely against the railing. His arms sat crossed upon the thick expanse of his tight white t-shirt, his unzipped leather jacket matching the inky black of his jeans.

When he saw you, his eyes lit up as bright as his smile, knocking the breath from your chest as only Kili could. You parked haphazardly, desperate to be caught in the heat of your sun again. Kili must have felt the same because he made his way quickly toward your car and opened your door before you could pull the key from the ignition.

You hopped from the car and right into his arms, which tightened quickly around your waist.

“(Y/N)! I missed you!”

Your head tipped up to find his eyes, sparkling with truth. Before you could answer, he dipped down and slanted his lips against yours in a searing kiss. His motions had you leaning back against the car, the cool metal of the door against your back a stark contrast to the heat of his chest against yours.

When he pulled his mouth from yours, he dipped his forehead down gently against yours, his eyes alight with joy and adoration.

“I missed you too, Ki,” you whispered against him, urging his smile impossibly wider.

“Ready for our date tonight?”

You nodded, twisting your fingers into the dark strands against his shoulder.

“Are you gonna sing tonight, pretty girl?”

“Sing, scream, whatever you want, as long as you keep kissing me like that.”

He grinned before granting your wish, leaning his mouth against yours to kiss you breathless.

When you were close to seeing stars, he leaned back just enough to whisper against your lips. “I have a song for you tonight.”

You smiled at the sunshine standing wrapped in your arms. “I can’t wait.”
