#my nice art


I found Makomo making another white crown that misty day, and I asked her if those white ones were her favorite flower. No, she laughed, and replied that those were the flowers in bloom. Ah, I responded, then her favorites must be those ones on her kimono, for Urokodaki-san had painted them on the fox mask.

She looked surprised a moment, then said maybe he never knew her favorite flower. I had to ask her what her favorite was, and she told me she loved nanohana, how the they fill the springtime with seas and waves of yellow over wispy green forests. She especially loved to see them in the height of daylight, with color so cheerful that demons could never come within hours of glimpsing it.

“They don’t grow on Mt. Sagiri,” she finished, “I wish I could see them again.”

One of my Fanbook #1 details is Makomo’s favorite flower. There’s nothing quite like a field of bright tall nanohana; it’s a captivating even if they are a relatively common wildflower.

Like a lot of other readers, I was surprised that Sanemi and Giyuu had canon-official descendants, as it was hard to imagine them being motivated to start families when they thought they were going to die early anyway, and it didn’t feel necessary (from my own cultural and generational perspective, anyway–Confucianism was undergoing a revival in their time period). With Sanemi especially, he had hedged all those bets on Genya instead of ever dreaming of his own domestic bliss, and he probably wouldn’t have been motivated to pass on his father’s name or anything.

Butunless the timing is too cruel it’s canon that Sanemi does get to build a family again.


But like, he also gets the reality of it again, nothing he can’t handle though, Sanemi’s the world’s greatest papa, he’s gotta be.

After my tag rant, and because it’s clearly related, it felt appropriate to add some of the concluding lines of my post-canon fic about Sanemi and Giyuu’s awkwardly budding friendship as they also deal with, like, you know… all the events of canon.

Fine. Run away to the hot springs if you like. See you when you get back, smooth as a baby’s bottom.’

They might have one by then. I wonder if he’ll let me hold it?

Don’t drop it, man.’

‘I knew it. It’s difficult, isn’t it? Maybe I shouldn’t--’

It’s not hard! You really have no idea, do you? There’s nothing like holding a baby, rabbits are nothing. It’s not just the weight and warmth, it’s the smell, and the way they cuddle—

I—I want to see their hands. Their hands look so tiny, but I hear they’ll grasp tight if you give them your finger.

That’s the best feeling! And if they’re yours, it makes you want to protect them so bad. And then when they start smiling, man, Giyuu, that’s the best! You—’ he had stopped himself, blushing for how excited he was.

Giyuu was just as flushed, but not the least bit embarrassed. ‘I want to see what that’s like too. I want to hear them giggle.’

There… there’s nothing like it. Maybe you should try it some time.’


No! Idiot! Forget what I said. No promises, got it! You go do your thing, I’ll do mine. When the winds and waves crash together again, we’ll hang out. See you around, Giyuu.’

See you around, Sanemi.’

