#my path


my partner is SO PSYCHIC i love him so dearly. we are constantly finishing each other sentences/saying the same idea at the same time and its sooo trippy haha.

over the past few weeks, we have been waiting for the eggs of one of our hens to hatch. we believed they’d be hatching on friday. the night before last, i dreamt that they hatched and last night my partner dreamt that they were hatching! we ran outside to check in the morning, and they were HATCHING! all 10!!!! what a beautiful blessing and such a beautiful omen typically, not all of the eggs hatch. we are sooo grateful

last night i danced at candlelight with warm tea and smooth music for the first time in far, far too long. returning back to ritual in this way was so beautiful and needed

my first official retreat guest arrives tomorrow and i am SO deeply grateful and excited!!! today was spent deep cleaning + preparing the house and everything looks so beautiful! soon, i am going to do some yoga, massage my body, and come into ritual space. sooo much is moving and shifting and changing - i must be in my element!

i’m so grateful for the life that i am building right now. my intuition is growing stronger than ever and blessings are flowing in miraculously. i was just about to do a mediumship reading (!!!) but my guides said that it’ll be better to wait a day or two as my energy is rather sensitive right now. i have found that i often feel resistant towards performing readings past evening time, and i think it’s because as the night falls i slip deeper into my intuitive space and my energy is more sensitive – my energy is directed outwards with the sun and inwards with the moon. so intriguing!

for years, i dreamt of being nude in the jungle. now, it is my life
