#my scholarly empire


Emergency Tab Closure Post - 2.9.21

Emergency Tab Closure Post – 2.9.21

My Butler research has had a little bit of a comeback in recent months with the publication of the first Library of America book; it’s been profiled in both the New York Times and Harper’s recently. I also had a nice conversation with New Rural on “Mutual Symbiosis” I hope you’ll check out!Next week I’m giving a talk on 1984. Here’s a…

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Ye Old Link Roundup!

Ye Old Link Roundup!

I updated my professional website with online article and interviews for the first time in four years. So, yeah, I guess you could say I’m not doing great.Special issue of Loading on Animal Crossing: New Horizons.Second Languages and Jesuit Core Education.Still stripping the walls of copper wire on his way out the door: Trump sought to tap Sidney Powell as special counsel for election fraud.…

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new fall course: “Histories of Anti-Capitalism”!

new fall course: “Histories of Anti-Capitalism”!

I’ve got a great schedule lined up for Fall: a special version of my Tolkien course partnering with UWM and linking up with the Haggerty’s “Art of the Manuscript” exhibit, and a grad special topics course called “Histories of Anti-Capitalism.” Here’s a course description — suggestions very welcome!

Other English Fall course descriptions are trickling in here…

Course Title: Histories of…

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Spring 2022 Courses!

Marquette’s English department has put up its course descriptions for the spring, which you can find here: https://www.marquette.edu/english/courses-offered-spring-2022.php

Here are mine!

ENGLISH 4762/5762: Neuroscience and Literature101 TuTh 9:30-10:45 Professor Gerry Canavan

Course Title: Disability and Narrative

Course Description: From the Shakespearean soliloquy (famously credited by…

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Brand New Semester, Same Old Pandemic

Brand New Semester, Same Old Pandemic

I’ve finally beaten my syllabi into shape for the semester:

ENGLISH 3241: “Crafting the Short Story” (my summer/J-term lit/creative writing hybrid, now in person!)

ENGLISH 4716/5716: “Classics of Science Fiction” (featuring Slaughterhouse-Five, The Female Man, Kindred, Ted Chiang, The Fifth Season, and a NCAA-style tournament to determine which 1980s SF movie we’re going to watch instead of…

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Friday Links!


I’ll be doing a lecture and seminar series as a virtual scholar-in-residence at The Rosenbach this fall on four of Octavia Butler’s novels. Here are the details! We’re reading Kindred, Wild Seed, Dawn, and Parable of the Sower…Transfer Orbit dives into the latest on The Last Dangerous Visions.In Praise of the Info Dump: A Literary Case…

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