#my writing is organised chaos



Irene hadn’t been an X-Force fighter yet, and though Logan had only just met her, he’d been quick to respect her. There had been a seer, a mercenary, hired by the cult Logan was tracking, who was attempting to weaponise nightmares. During the confrontation, the mercenary’s powers and hers had been temporarily suppressed.

Mister Teatime had been very confident about his ability to physically dispatch a blind woman – right up until she impaled him with the poker.


The two paragraphs which turned into ‘Four o’clock in the Afternoon.’

But if you think this tells you what to expect from the forthcoming Chapter 03, think again.


(I’ll address Betsy and the crown during a later scene.)

At least she’s still self-aware enough here to run.

But she’s sick. And Death can be patient.


and when i finally get my shit together and finish writing a multi chapter fanfic? what then?

…I immediately start writing another one.

Organising all my notes, and beginning to write for chapter 15 —

And then realising I’ll probably need to organise all my notes for chapter 16, at the same time, because reasons.

Third acts of a story are complex.


The entire chase scene was so fun to write. Some highlights:

  • Wade flinging himself off the fountain, only to face-plant
  • Logan realising he’s also acquired the need to PROTECT ERIK LEHNSHERR AT ALL COSTS and still trying to deny it
  • Raven throwing pottery at the mummies
  • Charles hiding Betsy’s presence (until she unfortunately draws attention to herself)
  • Erik: assassin dancer
  • “Hwatcha!”
  • Irene, blindly trusting Logan to yeet her up the wall
  • Charles and Erik resting their foreheads together during a quiet moment between all the chaos. They are so SOFT for each other

But sort-of-good times are ruined, by Shaw (OF COURSE), who then blows up the souk building. Another one for the count.

Things I did not intend to do today, but needs must:

read through pages upon pages of unpleasant insect research in order to find the unnerving piece I needed to fit my narrative.

The sacrifices I make as a writer.


Long post ahead, so I’ll use the ‘read more’ function.

It’s really interesting, when you adapt movie material into a written narrative, especially during a crossover fic. You sometimes find yourself needing to solve problems which aren’t prominent in the source material.

For instance.

In ‘The Mummy (1999)’ there are several factors as to why the apparent safety of the Fort doesn’t need to be overly established or questioned, as opposed to in ‘The Consort,’ where this issue requires open discussion.

The pace of the movie post-exposition-scene dictates the mummy consumes his victims quickly, so we can have our main antagonist returned to full power; unlike in the fic, where the mummy’s victims are recruited, rather than eaten – for these transformations to have greater impact, more space and time is given to their character development.

We understand, narratively, that the plot requires our heroes to split up at this point. In the movie, Evie is our main source of narrative information – if she says the location is safe, then it is, until proven otherwise. This is also the case with Charles’s assessment – we trust his judgement. In the movie – the Americans, while a rival team, were not overly antagonistic characters; thus, it’s safe to charge them with Evie’s protection. Charles, however, doesn’t really trust anyone except himself with Erik’s safety, hence the need for his own psychic wards.

On the topic of remaining behind – Evie is required to stay at the Fort, where she feels safe, so she can be vulnerable when Imhotep assaults her. This is the same case for Erik and En Sabah Nur.

Also, in the movie, Imhotep is the only supernatural presence – and therefore, the heroes can’t quite comprehend the extent of the danger they’re in, at first. But in a story where mutants are commonplace, having safeguards against individuals with different powers is a normal consideration to have.

And finally – Beni is a much less malicious and competent character to have aiding the mummy than Shaw is. No one in the movie is worried about Beni turning up to try kidnap Evie. But if Shaw isn’t on screen in the fic? You should be very concerned about where he is and what he’s doing.

Hopefully this deconstruction was interesting, for such a small thing you probably didn’t even realise was a thing.
