






Ozai would actually really like Sokka.

King, I‘m‘a need you to explain

Reasons I think Ozai would like Sokka:

- Sokka, to Ozai from his fire nation perspective, is Hakoda’s only son and his heir. (He’d be the crown prince of the SWT in fire nation terms). Off the bat, Ozai would appreciate Sokka’s rank within his own tribe. It doesn’t mean much, but to Ozai it does make him inherently better than regular SWT people.

- Continuing off the Sokka being sort of a prince/heir, Sokka is a worthyheir in Ozai’s mind. He emulates his father with almost, if not the same, amount of obsession as Azula did with Ozai. And unlike Zuko, who I think did at some point try to copy Ozai, Sokka succeeded in being like Hakoda. Looking at the Day of Black Sun, and the final battle, Sokka is proven to be a very skilled tactician, strategist, military leader, and overall warrior. His skills rivaling Azula’s and Ozai’s. Sokka is without a doubt a very capable leader that could one day take Hakoda’s position as Chief, even as a 15-year-old.

- This would only apply if you assume that Ozai knows about Sokka’s life, but I think Ozai would really like how Sokka handled his father being gone. Not only was Sokka down to blindly fight at his father’s side at 13 (unlike Zuko), but he also obeyed his father when Hakoda told him no. Ozai would disagree about Hakoda telling him no, but he’d still appreciate that Sokka obeyed his father. Additionally, Sokka continued to train as a warrior/fighter and even did so much as to train other young boys in the village (which as far as we know Hakoda never even told him to do, that plot point always came off to me as Sokka’s decision). So not only did Sokka listen to Hakoda, but he went beyond what Hakoda expected him to do without having to be asked to do it. Ozai comes off as a “my kids should just know what I want from them without me having to spell it out” type of person, and Sokka fulfills that.

- Sokka is very protective of Katara even when Katara could hold her own. This is related to my other hc’s about how Iroh treated Ozai when they were younger, but I think Ozai would like seeing an older brother doing their job and protecting their younger sibling even when they don’t ask.

- Keeping all of what I just said in mind, what I think Ozai would like most is that Sokka is a non-bender. (hear me out). Sokka, who has a prodigy water bender for a sibling (a younger one at that), can still hold his own both in and out of battle. To Ozai, Iroh and Azula both heavily relied on the fact they were prodigies/naturally skilled at bending. (note: I hc that Ozai wasn’t that good a bender as a child). Neither of them had to work for their skills as much as Ozai did. So the fact that Sokka did work for his skills, and is equal to Katara despite having the disadvantage of not being able to bend, is something that would really resonate with Ozai. Sokka isn’t lazy or stupid, he puts a lot of effort into his skills (I mean come on, the boy mastered three of the nation’s fighting styles), and Ozai would recognize that.

- In summary, Sokka has the qualities that Ozai liked in Azula (copying their father, working hard, brilliant strategist), but also the qualities he wanted to see in Zuko (strong firstborn, matched their sibling power-wise, protective of siblings, willing to fight, obeyed their father).

This was a lot longer than I thought it would be, and I’ll still probably come up with more reasons later but yeah.

So what you’re saying is, Ozai is eyeing him as a potential stepson or son-in-law. Got it.

That’s exactly what I’m saying.

Zuko: Guess what, Ozai, I’m gay, I’m in love, I’m marrying the Southern Water Tribe peasant who breached the Great Gates of Azulon and took down your fiery fleet, and there’s nothing you can do about it!

Ozai: Do you mean Prince Sokka? What a surprisingly excellent match, I didn’t think you capable. He’ll serve the Fire Nation well as your consort.

Zuko: What.

Zuko: So it turns out my father… kinda likes you?

Sokka: Ew, why?


hey do any of you fellas have modern au sokka or zuko outfit ideas?? i’m drawing a thing and i’m stumped

zuko’s sense of fashion favours mostly clean lines with occasional slouchiness or exaggerated shoulder to the silhouette (his mother’s influence, it’s a little james spader in pretty in pink. yes zuko knows he’s the bad guy, but he had some good blazers.) minimal layering, solid colours and no highly visible logos. he fucking loves black on black. likes cufflinks, the occasional chain hidden under a stiff-collared button down. doesn’t really get loungewear — that’s just workout clothes but you’re not working out?

sokka is a maximalist at heart. he’ll match a screen-printed “crop top” (it’s not actually cropped, he just stole it from katara so it doesn’t quite hit his waistline) with an embroidered velvet bomber jacket, jeans distressed from over a decade of wear that are too short on him now but you’d never know it thanks to his knee high boots, and a $200 belt he worked three months to afford. the belt matches a messenger bag he worked five months to afford. one ear will have a single dangling crescent moon and the other will have a whole mess of studs in different shades of blue.


jetru rights

haru: so yeah, my dad and i have been sailing up and down the coast on a stolen fire nation ship liberating earth kingdom villages from their rule

jet, internally: wow so this is the boy i’m gonna marry can’t wait to adopt 17 children with him

jet: very nice




maroon is sokka’s colour, blue is also sokka’s colour and green! that’s his colour too!

if atla had ever contrived a reason to dress sokka up in air nomad clothes i’m sure we would have come to find that orange was also his colour.

Sokka’s wardrobe:

[id: a photo of several pieces of clothing and accessories in bright colors against a white background. The pieces include plastic sunglasses in various colors, lime green nail polish from Claire’s, brightly colored barrettes, a yellow bow, pink pants, a multicolored hoodie, pink and green beaded necklaces, and a lime green clutch purse. End id]

Avatar: The First Neon Non-Bender


maroon is sokka’s colour, blue is also sokka’s colour and green! that’s his colour too!

if atla had ever contrived a reason to dress sokka up in air nomad clothes i’m sure we would have come to find that orange was also his colour.


sokka listens to weezer, rick astley and wii music. the end.

sokka: [gets rickrolled]

sokka: oh nice, fucking love this song


i need a toph-nickname for suki that isn’t “fan girl,” any suggestions?

Cinnamon, because she’s the spice to Katara’s Sweetness, Sokka said her hair is red-brown like cinnamon bark in a poem once, and also her preferred perfume has a subtle note of cinnamon (but only Toph’s nose is sensitive enough to pick that up)


zukka au where the gaang takes sokka to an escape room as a surprise birthday present (he wouldn’t go if it weren’t a surprise. he thinks birthdays (and most holidays) are kinda dumb and also why should his friends care?? birthdays are for important people like katara not for him…. anyway.) and it’s one of those escape rooms that require a Lot of people so they have to get matched up with strangers (i.e., zuko & mai & ty lee & azula). neither sokka nor zuko is expecting to have a good time. sokka likes escape rooms in theory, and he loves his friends, but he gets so neurotic and controlling in situations like these so it’s really not fun for anyone. and zuko. well zuko is a nerd obviously but not the type of nerd that particularly vibes with escape rooms. and also he’s not looking forward to when azula will inevitably bully him for not solving puzzles quickly enough. but when they actually start doing the puzzles, sokka and zuko kind of…… click?? like they’re really good at co-solving. it’s kind of creepy actually the way that they’re always on the same wavelength despite knowing each other for less than an hour. so they spend the time in the room together and start to kind of . like each other a lot. and it goes from there :) oh and it’s also important to me that you know that the theme of the room is that they’re trying to escape from a prison called ‘the boiling rock’ that’s in the middle of a boiling lake in a volcano. sokka thinks that’s dumb because it’s obviously just supposed to be alcatraz except with boiling water to make it Even Scarier. like really…. a boiling lake……. how would that even work….

azula would immediately try to take over the whole operation because she is the undisputed leader and genius of her girl gang and get real riled by the fact that the gaang does not immediately respect her authority and instead keep looking to the goofy one for direction. (just because it’s his birthday doesn’t mean they have to kowtow to him. they can and should be kowtowing to her.)

she is then even more riled by the fact that the goofy one is quicker at solving puzzles than her, and somehow??????? gets even faster when her dum-dum brother is by his side along for the ride?


SCHOOL should always be your second priority. your first priority should always be committing STRANGE behaviors with your FRIENDS

[Img ID: A screenshot of Aang in his Kuzon outfit from The Headband, speaking with a smile and raised eyebrow. A speech bubble has been added so it looks like he is saying the above text post. End ID.]
