




[ID: gif of Cody leaning forward and saying: “Is the world ready for the American Nightmare?” End ID LINK]

Cody Rhodes joins Bullet Club December 10th, 2016 under the ring name: “the American Nightmare”

Kenny introduces him to us as a monster and oh boy is he right


[ID: two gifs of Kenny doing a promo in the ring, talking to the camera. He says: “The next member of the Bullet Club is a monster. Rest assured, things round here will change.” End ID LINK]

Cody is wrestling royalty, recently escaped from under the thumb of Vince McMahon, striking out on his own for the first time, and the bucks have kind of adopted him and taken him under their wing. he starts showing up in BTE and their hotel Q&AsinFebruary 2017, part of the gang already


[ID: gif of Matt hugging Cody while Nick (who is holding the camera) gives them a Too Sweet gesture. End ID LINK]

in his first njpw interview he gets asked about tension within the bullet club and he assures us that the BC is like Camelot, a round table of equals 


[ID: picture of Cody in a blue suit. he has brown hair and his left eye has an American flag contact that makes him look just slightly off. He’s saying: “Think of it this way: it’s Camelot, if that makes any sense. It’s a round table. Everybody’s an equal.” End ID LINK]

(the fact that camelot famously had a king seems to slip his mind)

Butthe cracks in Cody’s Team Player facade start to show pretty quickly

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