


I guess Burnham and Tilly are sword lesbians now. Good for them!


ID: Jim Kirk tells Spock “hey, Tilly & I found a cool rock” Tilly says excited “a sick rock!” he continues, “Hold my drink as we check it out?” Spock agrees & Jim kisses his cheek, “thanks t’darling”ALT
Tilly & Jim walk away, Tilly looking delight & confused. Michael looks at her brother, bemused, “I’m sorry, did he just call you t’darling?”ALT
Spock flushes, stoney faced, “Yes, he did.”ALT
Michael asks “why?” Spock responds “Jim believes that adding the prefix ‘t’ to human terms, quote, makes them vulcan.” Michael grins, clearly loving this.ALT
“And you haven’t corrected him?” Spock balks, “No, I have not.” “Why not?” Spock flusters, “Illogically, I find it rather endearing.” Michael snorts, “aw, Spock. Keep it in your pants.”ALT
Further ahead, Tilly asks Jim, “Do you actually think you’re speaking Vulcan when you do that?” Jim says “no but it makes Spock blush, so,” She realizes “oh, youre being a shit,” “Yeah.” /END IDALT

this is a product of three schools of thought: 1) this stupid tweet i made, 2) the head canon that tilly and jim were buddies at the academy, and 3) you know that moment when you see your sibling in a relationship for them first time? and youre disgusted and delighted to discover they’re a “husband guy”? yeah that moment (ID in alt text)


ID: a younger Sylvia Tilly & Jim Kirk sit on a couch together in Starfleet Academy uniforms. Jim says “so if we meet hot siblings in space, we each marry one & are connected for life.”ALT
Tilly says “how many hot siblings do you think are going to through themselves at us, Jim?” ALT
Next, s3 era Michael & Tilly hold each other, smiling into each other’s mouths. Saru says behind them, “are these crewmen gay? good 4 them.” hes wearing a pin saying “i heart my pan ensign” /END IDALT

some tilly centric twitter sketches because i’m rewatching disco rn (twitter 1/2) [ID in ALT]
