

I hadn’t noticed the part about Myrelle before. This is early LoC. Moiraine has died, Myrelle knows Lan is on his way to Salidir. And she knows he’s supposed to wind up with Nynaeve.

If Nynaeve can break her block it’s pretty much the only thing keeping her from being raised Aes Sedai, so Myrelle wants this moved along asap. Myrelle has a history of working really hard to keep Warders alive when their Aes Sedai die, so I think we can accept at face value, here at least, that she has the best of intentions. It’s really annoying she just keeps all this information to herself—I’m sure Nynaeve would have very much liked to know Lan was coming!—but Aes Sedai don’t think very much of Accepted so it’s not terribly surprising.

But Nynaeve is in Ebou Dar by the time Lan arrives, and by then Myrelle…has a change of heart? She’s in no rush to pass Lan along, and even when he and Nynaeve marry she holds onto his bond for forever. Does she think he’ll come around to her or something? Even after they marry? Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt…. He’s just not that into you!
