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collaborationbetween@d4rkpluto@mystiicwinter@fxiryheiizeand@etherealjaehyuns about how would your favourite fictional character think of you + what kind of character you would be in a series



……pile one……


Hello loves! Welcome to your reading!

I channeled my intuition, so it may not resonate with everybody.

Warning: slight 18+ content ahead

What would your favorite character think of you:

They would be quite annoyed by you. The kind of happiness you bring, you constantly challenge them and their beliefs (not intentionally). You know, you just came into their life when they were down and they were wanting to be down. How dare you disrupt their misery? They might want to do something about it since it irritates them. I’m getting that for some of you, this could be a character that is prone to blaming themselves for things that happened to them, even though it wasn’t their fault in the first place. That’s why it is possible for them to be opposed to you. You won’t understand why they’re doing this, but later it will all come to light. This could be more of enemies to close friends trope. You and them could be both in a friend group with other people. But over time, their opinions of you will change. They will come to respect you and really admire you. You could also inspire them to do certain things within themselves that they have never ever done before. Don’t worry, it’s a bad beginning slowly leading to a good end.

Extra notes: black, brown, grey, stoic

What kind of character you would be in a series:

You would be the character that will try to make something and do certain things that can (unintentionally) irritate people. Because of this, some people may want to start drama. You could probably get sort of confused with this whole sort of drama + drama by new instigators. They will quite benefit from it (emotionally) actually. It gives them power over you, even though they don’t actually have any power. You are very intelligent. You engage in your education, and you think that it is important. You may also become a teacher (if the producers decided to continue the series). I see you studying a lot and going to certain places to broaden your mind and perspective. You might also wear wide-legged jeans and certain brands of sneakers. You will also have a sort of brown curly hair (this may not resonate with everyone, of course). Maybe have a hairband on it? You will look really pretty, that’s for sure. Very outspoken. Some of the characters in the drama may have a crush on you. You may reject some and for others? You might date and get into romantic relationships. Some relationships could be toxic. One could be a cheater, the other won’t give you too much hope. Another won’t give you the same energy you put in your relationships. You keep getting heartbroken. You get fed up with some, and with others, you might stay until you realize it’s not going to get any better. Your sex life is thriving, but your love life is slowly wilting away. You might have at least aone-night-stand. In the end, you don’t really have much hope for love in general. Also, you won’t be the protagonist, just one of the main characters. This drama could be the sort where there will be a few main characters, and there will be certain POVs and how they will overlap. This series could take place in high school, and you are getting ready to go to college or something similar.

first photo credits: @fvtishs




your favourite series character would think of you as someone who might say cold or mean things, or someone who beats themselves up a lot, they will view you as someone who has been hurt in the past, and as someone who gets jealous easily. they will think of you as someone who is sad, someone who gets discouraged a lot, there are moments when they will see you as someone who gets knocked down by life.

though they will think that you’re someone who likes to work towards their goals, they will see your abundant side and your side to come against upcoming challenges and obstacles, i think they will notice that you’re someone who might say affirmations to themselves. you’re someone who seeks education and likes to learn from past mistakes, that is something they will like from you, they will see you as someone who is loyal to those around them and if you’re into tarot/divination, they will notice that as well. they will think of you as someone who wants to get over their past.

your favourite series character will think of you as someone who might get addicted and obsessed easily. they will think of you as someone who might be used as a scapegoat or as someone who gets chained to addictions, they will think of you as someone who likes to observe or as someone who likes to sit and think. there’s a chance they will think of you as someone who is mesmerising and magnetic; they will see your strong-will energy and how you get attached to things, they will be able to note that you might get obsessed with becoming the better version of yourself.

however, they will think of you as someone who can be charismatic, someone who is creative and passionate. they will think of you as someone who has a vision, someone who is bold and as someone who has experienced a lot of stuff. they will think of your fearless side as very inspiring and that you’re someone who is action-oriented who likes to take a different route. they will notice that the things you do is out of purity and that you dont do things just for the sake of it. there will notice that there is something intimidating about you or that you have an energy that is hot temperature-d and hard to miss. the type of energy to make one be intrigued during the first meeting.

howbeit, your favourite character will deem you as someone who has a lot on their plate, but will notice that you’re able to handle them, therefore them seeing you as someone who is very dependable. im seeing that they wouldnt want to annoy you with some tasks because you already have a lot on your plate, on the other hand, there’s this fragile energy they see in you, is that one slight push is enough to send you into turmoil. though they can tell that you want to hide that part of yourself so you dont worry others around you.


the kind of character you would be in a series is the intellectual character, you would be the character who is eager to complete the objectives and goals given to them. you’re the one who makes the strong and important decisions; you have quite the fame especially because of how snarky and quickly witty you can be. you’ll be the character with ambition, assertive energy, people would be able to notice that you’re a perfectionist and talkative.

you will be the character who relies on their logic and sometimes intuition, you’ll be the character who comes up with new ideas and resolutions. your cleverness would be the skill that allows you to win against your opponents, you will definitely be the character with the brains, imagine genius characters like little finger and cersei lannister from game of thrones. or think of elijah from the originals, it’s your wit and ideas that aid you to win in battles, always knowing the weak spots of your enemies. though, people will be able to notice you can be quite defensive.

you would be the kind of character who holds much information, someone who seeks and searches the meaning for existence. there might be moments when people will realise your character questions life; aside from that, you would be the character who is well-educated and one that teaches and advises others. you would be a genuine character in a series and one that is highly admired. you would also be the character who believes in “something” and a character that can be quite traditional.

in a series you would definitely be the character who had growth, people will not be able to overlook your character development; they will not be able to overlook your patience and perserverance, you’re someone who is about investment, (a lot of people will be invested in your character) and that for all the things you have put your energy into, it’ll all pay off in the future. perchance, your character was ridiculed over a trait when they were younger and as your character grows they gain that trait immensely. perhaps that trait could be considered as all types of knowledge and intelligence, being able to be cunning that you outsmart people. you will be like some knowledge wizard.

lastly, you will be the character who goes through highs and lows (of high school football) though, you will be the character who has good luck on their side all the time, being able to get out of death situations another character wouldnt. you will be the type of character who has gone through a lot and learned through those lessons. you will be a very intuitive character that has gotten stronger throughout each arc of the series. the type of character people would try and take advantage of but they will get easily proven why you shouldn’t be under-estimated.


「 pile three 」

╰─➤ what would your favourite series character think of you

your favourite series character really likes you, pile two! i have a feeling that they have a hard time trusting others because they’ve went through a lot of shitty situations in their life. in their eyes, you are someone they can go to when life gets a bit too hard to handle and they need someone to comfort them. i think they’d learn a lot from you and you’d help them shift their perspective in a way you’ve never expected. are they someone who has a very hard time dealing with their emotions? i can feel a lot of pent-up anger as well. many people teach others about discipline but you can teach them how to let go of what doesn’t serve them and be more in control of how they feel.

with the star, i can see that you give them hope. you give them hope that the world can become a better place and their situation can be improved as well. you would make them want to ascend to a better version of themselves just by being yourself. i think you have a somewhat moderate self esteem and you are aware of a bit of your potential, but they can see everything you are capable of. they’d have a hard time showing it though. not very vocal of how grateful they feel, but trust me, they are. i can also see that you make their inner child feel safe and sound and you allow them to express a hidden side of themselves that was repressed in their childhood.

you are quite ambitious but in a healthy way. you understand that us humans have limits and we can’t push ourselves towards impossible goals. this makes them be more grounded within themselves and realize that their own expectations are way too high. not gonna lie, they can find your calm and patient nature annoying at times. but that’s only because they seem to either be temperamental or aren’t surrounded by people that reflect these qualities.

lastly, you’d help them find a lot of new opportunities and see the beauty in their life. if you were a character in their universe, you would be a temporary but well-liked person that is meant to teach them lessons then be removed (something that would make the watchers/readers be sad for sure).

╰─➤ what kind of character you’d be in a series

the loyal companion, the one the public totally loves and believes is underrated compared to the main character. any character in the series you are can come to you for advice once they go through a darker period in their life. you value friendship and if your fans would ever question your hogwarts house, you’d definitely be a hufflepuff. you hide your own problems in order to make sure that other people around you don’t get sad which makes the public root for you even more.

your judgement might be questioned often as a character as you can become too emotional, losing track of your rational thoughts. you have a tendency to make bad decisions and don’t follow the advice you give to others, even though it could benefit you as well. you suffer from wishful thinking and the readers/watchers can’t help but pity you a little bit. your positive mindset is also comforting and gives scenes more warmth.

lastly, you would be quite relatable. realistically portrayed, many people would find traits or behaviours in you that they also have which makes them like you even more. a bit anxious but always gets the job done and can be trusted with helping others. as a character, you can easily become the victim of betrayal or the one who deserves painful things the least yet always gets them.




your favourite character would think that you’re someone who has a lot of passion and drive, they will think that you’re someone who comes up with great ideas. they will notice that you’re someone who is interested in spirituality and might want to ask you questions about it; they will think of you as someone who is inspiriting, enthusiatic, spontaneous and fun. they will definitely see you as someone who brings something new to the table and will see your potential.

however, they will see you as someone who gets offended a lot, or someone who envies others or gets jealous easily, or that you might compare yourself to other people a lot. it’s either that you say hurtful words or you’re someone who says hurtful words to other people. they will see you at your lowest and would probably want to help you, your favourite character would think that sometimes you do not think logically, and would like to advise you in the future. they will also see you as someone who gets offended when something doesnt go your way or when people dont want to do what you want to do.

though, they will think of you as someone who is beautiful and someone who likes a lot of feminine aesthetic. your creativity is very much appreciated, but remember that other people would want to try other things too, is what they would try and say. there can be moments when your favourite character would think of you as someone who is mother-like and as someone who appreciates beauty in life. they will think of you as someone who is successful and has accomplished a lot.


the kind of character you would be in a series is that person who sometimes doesnt realise that they do mistakes which can cause trouble in the future. perhaps you would be the character who has family problems and sometimes it reflects on your actions, you would be a unique character, one that breaks traditions or the character who breaks the fourth wall. you might be a character who has conflict over money, might have an arc where you lose everything, money, friends, family and love etc. there could be a moment when you are perceived as a cold-hearted character.

though, you’re most likely going to be the character who fakes it till they make it, you will be a known character, a talented one, one with self-esteem, your supporters in the show would aid you to success and victory. you would be the character who goes through a lot and somehow wins in the end! being all about triumph and a successful advancement; you would be a generous character, one that tries and shares the things they have, you would most likely be a main character thus the being able to win in any troubling era you’re put in.

lastly, you would be an intellectual kind of character, someone who rarely gets out of their main goal, even though there would be a few obstacles to go through, you will self-discipline yourself into becoming someone who doesnt overlook their mistakes. a very intelligent character you would be, one who is laid back, cool, honest and methodical. you can rather be very blunt and boastful about the accomplishments you make in the series, but with the type of character you would be, who wouldnt.

