#nab babbles


guys, burn out is real i applaud writers who can produce quality content in abubdance because…HOW???

im just trying to figure out how to not think about getting railed while fasting when its my number 1 intrusive thought


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Brown- Ushijima Wakatoshi
Pastel blue- Kentarou Kyuotani
Turquoise- Tsukishima Kei 
Yellow - Yamaguchi Tadashi
Black - Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Red - Nishinoya Yuu
Purple - Hinata Shoyo
Green - Kuroo Tetsurou
White - Daichi Sawamura

Gray - Sugawara Koushi
Pink - Akaashi Keiji
Orange - Kenma Kozume
Blue - Bokuto Koutarou

Crimson - Oikawa Tooru
Baby Blue - Iwaizumi Hajime

i came here to say that i am a hinata fucker <3

i miss bokuto so much :((

currently working on a zeke fic, i promise you guys i’m not slacking </3
