#naddpod lucanus cosplay


Using the same props for multiple cosplays leads to stuff like this, where I didn’t realize I could put these photos together until a few days later.

[ID: two photos of James- in the first he cosplays Erdan, and in the second he cosplays Lucanus. In the first photo, as Erdan, he has short brown hair, long elf ears, freckles, and small glasses. He wears a purple button up shirt, with a blue cloak over his shoulders. He winks as he holds out a blue flower to the camera. In the second photo, as Lucanus, he wears a long blond wig, and long elf ears. He wears a white button up underneath a maroon sweatshirt. His eye makeup is an intense gold and red. He holds the same blue flower, and looks down at it sadly. End ID.]
