

The Diwata Collection

There are currently 6 diwata candles specifically dedicated to a specific deity from the Philippines.

• Mayari: The one eyed goddess of the moon

• Apo Laki: The sun and war god

• Naginid: The Bisayan goddess of war, poisons, oils, and charms

• Lakapati: The Tagalog intersex deity of agriculture, fertility, and giver of food

• Magwayan: The Bisayan primordial goddess of the sea and the one who ferries the souls to Sulad (purgatory)

• Diyan Masalanta: The Tagalog goddess of love, conception, and childbirth.

Each candle is ritually cleansed with guava leaves and has betel leaves, along with other herbs, as an offering to said deity.

As most of you know from running this blog over the year and @diwatahan , I am a Filipino Reconstructionist whose spirituality is based on our ancestral animistic and polytheistic beliefs and practices.

I started Hiraya Botanicals in part to create candles, bath soaks, oils, and more inspired by our mythology and folklore.

The other candles currently available are dedicated to the anito (ancestors and spirits) and umalagad (ancestral guardian spirits).

➡️ Get yours today at https://hirayabotanicals.com

What diwata do you want to see in the collection?
