#nah because sukuna crying and holding yn goddamn



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♘︎ : @desiray562@gabzlovesu@reneeslay@emonaculate@po3ticb3auty@indiecursor@protectpancakes@hufflefluffwh0re


SUKUNA WAS A PRIDEFUL MAN. Growing up, his dad was never around so he was the man of the house. Taking care of Yuji and Choso while their mother worked tirelessly in the executive business world, offering material comfort over motherhood, Sukuna grew up rather quickly. But that pride quickly morphed into ego and that’s how he found himself as the king of the underground fighting outfit of Tokyo, Japan. Well, ex-king now that a rookie defeated him in the ring and stopped him from keeping his title. Now that really fucked him up. The man didn’t value much, nor have a lot to really call his, but that title was and now that it’s gone, he felt worthless without it. What made it worse was not having Y/n around to cheer him up and remind him of who he is, one of the few people in his corner. And he knew Kenji winning wasn’t her fault, she’d never betray him like that, but his pride was on life support and he needed someone else to suffer.

His friends had barely spoken to him since then. They weren’t alienating him, just disappointed in his act of anger to a woman who had done nothing wrong. Geto was the angriest, wanting to beat the already defeated warrior even more after Wendy landed a few hits, but Toji wouldn’t allow anymore violence to take place than what already had. He knew a thing or two about wounded pride, but even the eldest Fushiguro sibling knew that Sukuna had crossed a line that should’ve never been touched.

And so, he suffered. He focused on school and working out, occasionally going on a bender and fucking multiple women, sometimes a group at a time; anything to distract him from the possible bridge he’s burnt. The gaping wound in his heart festered as each week passed that he went without apologizing. His ego was shrinking with every passing look of disgust that came from the girls when they saw him.

But his pride took the worst blow when Yuji, his sweet baby brother, had voiced his distaste for his brothers’ vile actions. Calling them barbaricanddisgusting, Yuji’s two friends listened in sadness as their friend tore into his brother like a vulture does to rotting flesh. Because that’s how Sukuna felt; a corpse with rotting flesh for others to feed off of. Choso worried over his brothers’ depression and knew that something needed to be done before he lost Sukuna to the voices in his head.

That is how Sukuna found himself crying into Y/n’s stomach as she raked her fingers through his hair and quieted his fears of uselessness and self-doubt. Her gentleness in contrast to his brutality was overwhelming and Sukuna found himself crumbling under the soft maternal atmosphere she offered him when he showed up to her place. Y/n had forgiven him a while ago, after processing her own flurry of emotions she settled on forgiveness. And that was all the redemption he needed.

WENDY HAD KNOWN THAT SOMETHING WAS OFF WITH JADE FOR AWHILE. She was quiet and careful in her comings and goings from their shared apartment. She’d come back smelling different – a familiar smell Wendy had smelt before – and she had become snappy, moreso with Y/n more than her. Wendy had planned on confronting Jade about her suspicious behavior but every time something would come up and she would forget. She felt as though so much was happening around her that she didn’t know about. And that made her anxious.

Gojo had been snoring softly on Wendy’s chest for the past hour, the shared bachelor pad was silent as they were the only two there. Sleep was not finding her so she scrolled on her phone with one hand as the other played with her lovers’ white hair. Halloween was coming up and while her couple costume was already planned, Wendy still found small accessories to add to it. So caught up in her phone, she had missed someone coming home, but she didn’t miss the voices she heard.

“We gotta be quick, I’m supposed to be helping Y/n out with an assignment.” Jade sounded breathless as she spoke to the other person, rustling sounds coming from across Gojo’s room.

But that meant…

“Don’t fucking rush me. And keep your voice down, Gojo’s home.” The huskiness in the voice confirmed Wendy’s worst thought; Jade was sleeping with Geto and Y/n had no idea.

“Oh hell nah. Gojo, get yo big ass up!” Wendy was heated, her hands already moving to push the sleeping man off of her.

Gojo fell on the floor with a thud, his hand rubbing his head as his eyes filled with confusion. “What the fuck, Wen?”

Wendy paid him no mind, moving quickly to get out from under the covers and to the door. She couldn’t believe that Jade would do something so fucking disgusting. Or that Geto would even allow that shit after how far up Y/n’s ass he was.

The door to Gojo’s room flung wide open, the door knob hitting the wall roughly, almost hard enough to land a dent.

Jade and Geto looked like deer caught in headlights, both surprised to find Wendy standing in the threshold of the Camboy’s room.

“Bitch!”Were the first words Wendy sneered at her former friend and roommate.

“It’s not what it looks like! Wendy—”

The sickening sound of skin connecting with skin echoed throughout the hallway of the apartment. Geto watched in shock as Wendy’s fist connected with Jade’s face. Gojo had come to the hallway just in time to see it happen. Wendy had knocked Jade to the ground as she landed three more hits on the girls’ body.

It didn’t matter where or how hard, just that Wendy felt her hand land on something connected to Jade. She couldn’t believe that something like this would happen, from Geto and Jade of all people. The betrayal that Wendy felt hadn’t been her own to feel, but that’s how close the three friends were. Close enough to know that that shit, was not cool.

“Bro, get her off!” Geto’s voice cut through the air as he struggled to remove Wendy from Jade’s defeated figure.

Gojo was tempted to let it continue, his own disgust for the situation becoming more present as he put the pieces together. He cared for Y/n too, which was by default being with Wendy, but he had learned to care about her for his own reasons as well. Enough to know that what was going on had to be bad. And when the sound of a gruesome crack rang in his ears, that’s when Gojo stepped in to pull Wendy off.

“Fuck you! You fucking bitch!“ She screamed, her nails tearing into Gojo’s skin to make him release her. “And you, you make me fucking sick.” Wendy’s voice was coated in venom as she spoke to Geto, who had moved to help Jade.

“Come on baby. Let’s go outside. Come on.” Gojo gently persuaded, not wanting to trigger her any more than she already was.

Wendy wasn’t aware that she had been crying until the salty taste of tears coated her lips.

“They weren’t together Wendy. It shouldn’t matter.” Jade sputtered out, blood mixing with saliva on the floor. Wendy had gotten her pretty good.

“It’s the principal Jade. It’s always the fucking principal.”



Amazing and entertaining as usual ssweetheart. I’m happy Sukuna fixed his ways but at the same time use that energy and anger to fight Geto pls-
