#nailmaster mato



That part in hollow knight where mato is like “I see you as my child” is still so funny to me like why does he say that to you unprovoked

@pollyannam3​ wrote some lovely fics about Ogrim and Mato and I gotta say I adore the two so much…They’re just two supportive bros!!! They’re dads!!! They’re in love!!! AAAaaAAahhsobss….
Unfortunately there was very few bits of content (though very good) so I’m gonna contribute a bit and post some doodles I have of the two :-]
Please do follow or at least check out Tavros. They’re very nice to talk to and hey….Why not read a fic when checking them out hmm?~

References for Dailon, Hornet and Mato.

Traitor Lord’s in-game special attacks are named ‘Dancing Glaive’ and ‘Ground Pound’ (according to wiki), so I’ve given Dailon un-infected counterparts in the form of special nail-arts named ‘Whirlwind Slash’ and ‘Tremor Slash’ respectively. These act similarly to their infected forms. Aside from the Godtuner, Hornet has the same inventory and abilities as she would for her Kingdom’s Edge fight in the game.
