

When someone does fan-art of your fan-art! <3

I’ve been given permission to show this but I’m waiting on permission to add links to their art pages. I will update this post asap.

Dun, Dun DUUUNNNNN!!!!!

Thank you for being so patient. I really appreciate that.

Finally done!
Many pandemic related issues.
I sleep now.

Don’t try this at home. It’s Dragonball and a fan project, physics and reality mean nothing! NOTHING!

Sorry the page took so long. Page 010 coming ASAP.

**musical cue** “Dun, dun, DUUUUNNNNN!” ** jazz hands**
The foretold delays continue… I will upload new pages whenever possible. A big thank you once more, to my mysterious artistic consultant. Their much treasured wisdom helped me greatly with this page.

FINALLY! Sadly, this page was delayed. Upcoming pages are going to be delayed as well due to the electricity outages.

In my part of the world, we are often subjected to electricity outages. When they happen, they last a few hours at a time and usually there is at least one a day, for at least a week.

I try my best to plan around them, but sadly the latest round of outages have been unexpectedly numerous. As a result all pages have been delayed. Efforts will be made to get back on track as soon as possible. Until then, I apologise in advance for the upcoming delays in pages.

When someone does a Fan-Art of your Fan-Art!!!!! <3 :D

The artist wishes to remain anonymous/mysterious for now.

Please excuse me while I go and buzz off of the joy of receiving this. Oh and page 006 of the Demon of Namek fan project was posted earlier today!

A big, big thank you to my Artistic Consultant, for helping me with this page. Your treasured advice got this page done!

Still having lengthy and disruptive power outages my side. Future page delays seem very possible.

Aaaand page 005 is finally up! There was an unexpected, 7 hour, power outage. This has sadly caused delays. I’m trying to catch up. Hopefully I will close the time gap soon.

Chapter 01, page 003 of the Dragonball fan project, the Demon of Namek. More next week!

Dragonball, Dragonball Z and Dragonball Super are porperty of Akira Toriyama. Be sure to support him and his creative works, as well as the studios that brought the animated series and movies to life.

More pages to be added to the tumblr soon!

I have been very quiet lately, fortunately for a positive reason… Here are the first few pages of the Dragonball fan project, the Demon of Namek.

Dragonball, Dragonball Z and Dragonball Super are porperty of Akira Toriyama. Be sure to support him and his creative works, as well as the studios that brought the animated series and movies to life.

More pages to be added to this post soon!

Or Goku Day, as it is also known.

I’ve been far more quiet than I would like. Fortunately, part of the quietness means I was focusing up on getting more art done for posting online.
On this special day I may announce that pages of the fan project, The Demon of Namek, will be uploaded. Starting from next week. I hope you all enjoy it!

Perfection takes time…At least that’s what I’m telling myself! Which is ironic, a

Perfection takes time…
At least that’s what I’m telling myself! Which is ironic, as the ‘Demon of Namek’ project will be far from perfect.
But there is some good news! There has been progress with the scripts.
Please enjoy this little taste of what is to come.

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