#nanami kento imagines


Imagine Nanami becoming completely and utterly whipped by the new manager at the school. They’re straight to the point, a hard-worker, efficient, and to top it off they’re easy on the eyes. It’s no surprise to anyone when Nanami starts requesting them instead of poor Ijichi. When the sorcerer finds out they collect stationery of all things he has to stop himself from asking them out then and there.

They’re exactly the type of person everyone expects Nanami to be into.

Gojo picks up on Nanami’s crush in record time. He starts off with teasing the man about his crush, then playfully flirting with the object of his affections. Nanami becomes increasingly annoyed, and tells the man to knock it off. However, he never touches the matter with his crush.

It isn’t until Gojo starts dragging them on all his missions does Nanami make a move. It’s one thing to taunt Nanami, but dragging them into you’re wild misadventures? That’s crossing the line in his book. Nanami is quick to apologize to them. He explains as to why Gojo has been dragging them on so many jobs which leads to a lackluster confession. It’s nothing special, but it still does the trick.

“Next time he calls you say you’re out with me.”
