

For@nancyloumm. To the lovely, Nancy. May your Christmas be as delightful as you are!


Parenthood Chooses You

Magnus had no doubt in his mind that Alec was amazing with children. He had seen the way his boyfriend—husband—interacted with his family; playfully with Isabelle, protective with Jace, with fond eye rolls at Simon and Raphael. He had only seen Alec around Max a few times before their wedding since he was carted off to the Los Angeles Institute with their father pretty soon after they met but if Magnus had to guess, he cared for the youngest Lightwood just the same.

It wasn’t until their wedding, the happiest day of his life, that Magnus really understood what kind of responsibility Alec felt for his siblings—and for every other child he interacted with.

Throughout the entire evening that was supposed to be dedicated to him and his happiness, Alec made sure that his sister’s glass was never empty, that Jace always had a smile on his face, and that Max had a dance partner at his side. He made sure everyone was having a good time but paid particular attention to the smallest guests—the shadowhunters in training, the young warlocks that were invited along with their parents, and the fae children that acted more like adults than their ancient counterparts.

Every time Magnus didn’t have his husband at his side, Alec was off making one of the little ones laugh with his horrible jokes or smile wide with offerings of snacks and sparkling juice. It was quite possibly the cutest thing Magnus had ever seen.

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