


The withered bear animatronic had heard a lot about a new animatronic being a part of their establishment. He made his way over to where the withered cat animatronic was as he watched the door open right in front of him, his silver eyes making contact with the withered cat animatronic. He stayed quiet, the curiosity taking control of him. “…w-who are you?” His voice box is slightly broken.

Optics adjusting to the light outside the room, eventually met the other figure standing staring at the door, as if already waiting for something to get out.


Silence was held between both parties, as each inspected the other in curiosity.
But soon the brown animatronic was the first to talk, and so there was a response:

“…I’m Candy, Candy the Cat.”


Just as careful said as by the other, much more, withered robot, even if produced by a apparently intact voicebox.

“You look different from what I used to hear about you, Fredbear.”

