#nara park

takatins-world: Bond of trust bytakatins-world.tumblr.comDaily original photographs and creations


 Bond of trust


Daily original photographs and creations selected by the imigingteam!

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All the deer just chill. They don’t care.
(Nara Park)

#kansai    #nara park    #videos    #animals    
These are from my day trip to Nara! I only visited Nara park. I wanted to see the deer. Overall it wThese are from my day trip to Nara! I only visited Nara park. I wanted to see the deer. Overall it wThese are from my day trip to Nara! I only visited Nara park. I wanted to see the deer. Overall it wThese are from my day trip to Nara! I only visited Nara park. I wanted to see the deer. Overall it wThese are from my day trip to Nara! I only visited Nara park. I wanted to see the deer. Overall it w

These are from my day trip to Nara! I only visited Nara park. I wanted to see the deer. Overall it was so fun and the deer are so cute. But it’s important to remember that they are wild. So they will sometimes run from you or act aggressive. I got bitten once, butted several times, and one of them stole my purse. But it’s okay. I still liked them.

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Tag yourself I’m k-kenji

Tag yourself I’m k-kenji

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I went to Nara park today and saw the deer! They’re pretty friendly for the most part. I ran iI went to Nara park today and saw the deer! They’re pretty friendly for the most part. I ran iI went to Nara park today and saw the deer! They’re pretty friendly for the most part. I ran iI went to Nara park today and saw the deer! They’re pretty friendly for the most part. I ran i

I went to Nara park today and saw the deer! They’re pretty friendly for the most part. I ran into a few shy ones. But they get into a frenzy over the deer crackers and I got a nasty bite from a bigger buck. Despite that, though I had a lot of fun and definitely want to go back!

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