#naruto fanfiction recommendation


Hello world!

As a lover of fanfiction and a writer myself (sometimes), I’m attempting to do some good by recommending fics that I’ve deemed well-written.  I hear they’re hard to come by in this fandom (a.k.a stop wading through the pages of FFN and look for people’s recs.  That’s what I’ve started doing).

There’s no pairing bias, character bias, sexuality bias, etc for this recommendation list.  There’s a bit of everything that I’ve read that’s just… wonderful.

So, if you’re in the mood for some good reading, go check out Hidden Gems: A Soure of Quality Naruto Fanfiction

(You can also check out myoldfics, none of which you’ll find in the community ‘cause I think it looks tacky if I include some of my own fics… :p).
