


Prompt List 2022

As per popular vote, the event will be running in September this year - specific dates being the 18th through the 24th. Each day will have two different prompts to choose from - as always, please keep in mind the following about the prompts and the event in general:

  • You can choose one prompt or both per day, or you can skip a day. There is no minimum or maximum participation requirement
  • You can take the prompts as literally or as loosely as you like
  • This is a tumblr event. We will not be making an AO3 collection, nor will we be on any other platform. You are, however, more than welcome to host your content on other platforms and share a link on tumblr for us to promote.
  • Please review our rules and regulations post - we’ve even made it cleaner for you this year
  • We’ve also updated our FAQ
  • No bashing of any kind, of ships, content, or people. Don’t be a fucking bully, you’ll get your ass banned and blocked so fast
  • Please review the unqualified ships list for this year before you start creating

Tagging rules will be below the prompt list, under a cut. Please remember to tag your content properly. The mod team is small, and the way we reblog/tag content is clicking OPs tags to quick add them - there is no way we could properly tag our reblogs otherwise.

By tags, we mean the actual tag section of a tumblr post. Putting everything at the top of your post is amazing and wonderful, and a practice we do commend, but it does not count in this regard. Use the actual tags section, or we will not reblog your content. If anyone has any questions about this, our inbox and DMs are open - we are here to help and want to promote your content.

Sunday 18th: Badass Kunoichi | Loss, grief, and death

Monday 19th: Role Reversal | Of Monsters and Men

Tuesday 20th: Song fic | Quote One*

Wednesday 21st: Fairytale retelling | Whump Wheel

Thursday 22nd: Enemies of the State | Fluff Roulette

Friday 23rd: Happily Ever After/No Happy Ending | Quote Two**

Saturday 24th: Free Day | Eternal Dreams

Quotes, as well as tag rules breakdown, below the cut

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