#nash skulkin

TOOT TOOT!! By the way! Preorders are currently open for the DGS Travel Zine for anyone interested i

TOOT TOOT!! By the way! Preorders are currently open for the DGS Travel Zine for anyone interested in a little old-timey world tour - you’re in for a treat!! Shenanigans and wonder abound!

Store Link HERE! 

transcript under cut

The image reads that the preview is by Mini on the top.

Ringo Skulkin says, “I tell you wot, people reading this… if you don’t acknowledge the guy in the back there, we won’t either.”

He is referring to William Shamspeare passed out in the background.

Nash Skulkin affirms this, exclaiming, “Righto, bruv! No guy back there, I see none.”

A comment is made by Esmeralda Tusspells about the dialogue being altered to fit the preview. Peppino jovially suggests they talk about lunch instead. 

It concludes with Fabien yelling, “Are we not even the slight bit concerned that there’s something amiss here?!” 

Post link

previews of my pieces for @daigyakutenzine !! it was sooo fun working with everyone else, and i’m so happy i got to draw these guys in particular! :]

you can grab a copy for yourself HERE!

do it… for Eggsy and his weird little friends from the east end :))
