


The events of part IV of the story of O, The Owl, as seen through the eyes of Jacqueline’s sister Natalie.

Sir Stephen drove the big car as he did everything else, efficiently, somewhat brutally, and sure to get his way.  Meeting a small car on the winding road, on the heights above the sea, he took the middle of the road, forcing the other car to the side. He ignored the little car’s ineffective horn, and reached down and tugged on O’s rings warming his fingers inside her.  

The full moon illuminated the road as it hung high in the sky, leaving pockets almost as bright as daylight on the road where it poked out through the trees.  They passed groups of people still talking and drinking in front of the cafes, reveling in the soft warm pleasantness of the night.  As they slowed to pass through the village where Norah did the marketing, people were congregated on the front steps and in the square, some singing or dancing in the moonlight.  It was almost a pagan scene as the moonlight and the music and the bodies dancing sensuously under the stars gave of a primitive air.  The partiers looked with curiosity at the the closed car, wondering idly why the top would be up on a such a pleasant night.

The low olive trees, and the higher cypresses, cast shadows and even in the car, the night was perfumed by the scent of sage and lavender.  It was like a make believe land, O swaddled in her big cloak.  Natalie felt out of place in her thick black leggings and heavy sweater, more suited to fall in Paris than a pleasant summer evening under the moon on the coast of the Mediterranean.  

Natalie in the back seat, felt uncomfortably warm and out of sync with the night and the mood of the evening.  When Sir Stephen was pre-occupied with a tricky turn, she slipped the black leggings off, and then removed the warm black sweater. Then as Sir Stephen was fondling O as he drove, she daringly removed her panties.  O slipped the cloak off her shoulders just at that time, so Sir Stephen did not notice.  Natalie sat on her dress, she feared what she would feel and might learn about herself, if she sat with bare skin directly on the leather of the seat.

The big car turned off the road at a stand of oaks, behind which was a stone wall  Sir Stephen drove the car around the side and drove up to the porte-cochere, which opened as he approached.  He pulled into the forecourt and helped O out of the car, telling her to leave behind her clogs and cape.  Sir Stephen handed the leather strap of the leash to Natalie and frowned at her dress. Without the leggings and sweater it looked insubstantial and flimsy under the moonlight.  Her tanned bare legs almost shone.  He just said, “there will be consequences tomorrow for this disobedience”.  Bring O and follow me.  Natalie felt a shiver of fear.  Could she bear these consequences?  Would she feel the thick strap on her ass, the cold wet cords of the knotted scourge on her back?  Would she bear up as well as O as the crop flattened her breasts?  She suddenly felt very afraid of Sir Stephen.  But she loved O and wanted to emulate her.  In some confusion she led O into the party.

In the morning, when Norah came to collect O’s cloak and clogs and found Natalie’s sweater and leggings in the back seat of Sir Stephen’s car.  When she found Natalie’s panties, she smiled a very grim smile.  If Natalie had seen that smile she would have feared Norah as O feared her.


The events of Part IV of the Story of O, The Owl, as seen through the eyes of Jacqueline’s sister Natalie.

At Dinner that night, they all sat in their accustomed places, Sir Stephen at the head of the table, Rene beside him to his left, with Jacqueline beside Rene.  To his right, O was sitting naked on the hard wooden chair, Natalie sat beside her facing her hated sister Jacqueline.  In contrast to O’s brazen nakedness, Jacqueline was dressed in the latest Parisian Fashions for resortwear.  Jacqueline received clothes free to wear because she was a model. She always looked chic, even on her knees servicing one of her lovers, thought Natalie sourly.

After Dinner, Rene and Jacqueline left.  They were going to see a revue and then go dancing. Sir Stephen ordered both O and Natalie to go upstairs and rest.  They would not be leaving for the party until late and would likely be out until dawn.

Just before 11:00pm, Norah roused Natalie and together they went to O’s room.  Norah completed O’s makeup, rouging her nipples and her lower lip, The darker tone, contrastied nicely to the black Iron Rings and the silver chain that was connected to them. Then Noray and Sir Stephen lowered the Owl mask over O’s head and secured it.  Sir Stephen draped a cape over her shoulders, and handed the leather handle of the leash to Natalie. He then secured O’s hands behind her back in locked bracelets.

Natalie was wearing a thin black dress, black leggings and a black sweater.  She was hot in the warm summer air, but Sir Stephen said it would get colder later in the night.  O shivered, she knew she would be naked in the cold, even the cape would be taken from her.  Even the anticipation made her nipples harden.  From behind Natalie, Norah smiled as she watched O’s response.

They went down stairs and got into Sir Stephen’s big black car, Sir Stephen driving, O beside him where he could stroke her and Natalie in the back, behind O.

And so they drove off into the night.

aanonymouse4o: The bodies swayed together as the danced the Tango.  The bodies moving in a dance tha


The bodies swayed together as the danced the Tango.  The bodies moving in a dance that was almost an act of love, or an act of raw unrushed sex.  The pagan moon looked down, and the firelight from torch and candle moved with the wind.  It was slow, unhurried, it smelled of desire and the sweat of bodies, and of …….. anticipation.  It was totally of the body and the moon, not of the mind.

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aanonymouse4o: The Commander’s Parties were famous in certain circles.  Even so, O’s appearance was


The Commander’s Parties were famous in certain circles.  Even so, O’s appearance was unusual.

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aanonymouse4o: The dresses at the Commander’s party were slinky, low cut, and not innocent. aanonymouse4o: The dresses at the Commander’s party were slinky, low cut, and not innocent.


The dresses at the Commander’s party were slinky, low cut, and not innocent.

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aanonymouse4o: O was naked at the party, at first the party goers pretended to ignore, while watchin


O was naked at the party, at first the party goers pretended to ignore, while watching her out of the corner of their eyes.

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Part IV of Story of O, The Owl, as seen though the eyes of Jacqueline’s sister Natalie.

The Party resumed under the Moonlight, the torches around the perimeter flaring as the gentle breeze continued to blow away the heat of the day, and the gentle heat of a Mediterranean night in summer replaced it.  The moon was full and close to the earth easily providing light to the cloister and the languid people inside it.  Candle sticks, made of pottery, each holding two candles in the Provencal manner provide shadowed light to the faces of those sitting at the tables.  More candles lit the buffet and the bar, while the dancers were shadows, lit by the pagan moon and the flaring torches.

The men wore smart casual resort clothes, the women mostly in slinky dresses that clung to the body.  The silk or satin dresses were of thin material and had very low cut décolletage.  Cigarette smoke from elegant holders, or smoke from the cigars of some of the older men hung over the tables.  There were no innocents except Natalie at this party.

Or was there another?  At a corner table, by the buffet sat a young girl, maybe as young as Natalie wearing a white dress such as a girl wears to her first ball.  She had bare shoulders and a choker of pearls around her neck.  She had two tea roses on her wrists for scent. She looked innocent, too innocent to be at this party, but the suddenly jealous Natalie, noticed that the pearl choker resembled a collar, and the two tea roses on her wrists resembled bracelets, such as those that restrained O when she was whipped.  Then she was not sure if she imagined it after spending so long dreaming of going to Roissy to learn to submit like O.  But that white dress was a little thinner than a girl should wear to her first ball.  There was a boy, almost a man, with her, his face looked cruel and bored, certainly too cruel for someone so young.

The man at the old fashioned record player resumed putting on music.  The dancers started a tango, the dance from the Argentine Brothels, where rich men brought their beautiful mistresses, to dance under the southern moon, to languorous, sensual music suited to the night of the full moon.

The Commander came over to inspect how O had turned out, The hunter, the inhuman Owl with the body of a warm woman, both pagan hunting goddess and human sacrifice.  Sir Stephen took O’s leash, connected to the Iron Rings in the lips of her sex, and asked Natalie to get drinks from the bar for himself and the commander.  When she returned, the young man with the cruel face was speaking to Sir Stephen, “you have made not a bad job of her”, he said, pausing before adding “sir” in a way that almost made it an insult.  He then brashly introduced himself, “I am Nathan P_____, I am Ari P______’s brother, you know Ari, I am sure”.  The way Nathan said it, he made it sound as if Sir Stephen and the Commander should be pleased by knowing Ari and his brother.

“I know Ari, yes”, said Sir Stephen in a flat, neutral voice, though Natalie looking at the Commander standing slightly behind Nathan saw his English face look as though it detected a bad smell.  

“Enjoy yourself at the party” was all the Commander said, in a voice similar to that of Sir Stephen.  The young man, dismissed, turned away, as Natalie observed a look pass between Sir Stephen and the Commander.  She could not interpret the look.  “Take O over by the table on the plinth”, said Sir Stephen.  Natalie complied as the moon shone down and the torches and candles flickered in the breeze.  


O was not interested in the women she took, whose bodies she possessed.  When a couple of women at the party fantasized of being taken by O, they saw her as a conqueror, a beast woman like a god with the body of a woman and the head of a bird of prey.  Her chain as the leash of a falconer.  They did not know that O had conquered herself, her victory was over her own nature.  She had given up herself to the will of her masters.  In totally giving her self away, she had found her victory.

The women she possessed belonged by right to the men who mastered O, in surrendering to O, they became property and prey of those who possessed O.

Natalie dimly began to understand this.  She longed to be like O, to surrender like O, to be taken and desired like O. She hoped she had the strength to endure and suffer like O, but she began to fear the way it would make her feel.


Natalie was proud and self-important as she took the leash and led O down the stairs to the dining room on the main floor of Sir Stephen’s villa at Florville outside of Nice.  O was naked, wearing clogs that clattered on the stairs and over the tiles of the main floor (which was only carpeted in the living room).  Sir Stephen was dressed in his suit and Rene in casual clothes suitable to a young man with money while on vacation.  For dinner, Jacqueline had changed into a chic outfit and out of the casual clothes in which she had pleasured orally both Rene and her director within 30 minutes.

Natalie led the naked O to her chair, which was now different from the others  Previously, when everyone at dinner had been dressed, they had all sat upon the upholstered chairs that went with the dining set.  O’s chair had been changed for a hard wooden chair, suitable to an inferior naked person. Sir Stephen again wrapped the chain attached to O’s iron rings through her legs and around her waist.  Everyone could hear the rings and the chains as the came in contact with the hard wooden chair.  Whenever O shifted during the meal, the rings and chain could be heard. 

Norah served as the five dined, all acting as though it were normal to have a naked, chained and pierced woman eating with them.  Of course O’s nudity was not novel to any of them, but it was unusual in a normal setting.  Natalie admired O’s self possession and aplomb, certain that she could never act as normally in the situation as O did.  Her admiration for O only grew.

Sir Stephen explained that O would be naked constantly now until the Commander’s party.  She would not leave the villa until then except to swim in the sea.

aanonymouse4o: doggingsverige:SugerJacqueline pleasured Rene in the garden, but would not swallo




Jacqueline pleasured Rene in the garden, but would not swallow for him as she just had for her director.

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The events of Part IV of Story of O, The Owl, as seen through the eyes of Jacqueline’s sister Natalie

The Owl Before the Party and

Who is the Slut

After O had swallowed Sir Stephen’s jism, he dismissed Natalie.

“Norah will whip O just before dinner, then you may lead her down the stairs on her leash, the rest of the afternoon is yours”

He then took the chain of the leash and led it backwards from O’s rings, through the bottom of O’s nether lips and up through her backside before winding it about her waist and securing it there.  Now besides being pierced with Iron Rings, O would constantly bear chains even when not being led, to further remind her of her status and thus proclaim it to others.  He then tied O’s hands together and forcing her to stand, left her tied, standing.

Natalie changed into her two piece bathing suit, looking at herself in the mirror as she changed and wondering when she would be more curvy.  She went down to the little cove that opened to the warm waters of the sea and swam, then lay on the beach in the sun.  As she was climbing back up to the villa, she heard laughing and two people talking. She moved carefully up the hill hiding behind bushes.  She saw a car, parked out of sight of Sir Stephen’s villa and heard a man making pleasure noises.  Moving quietly, Natalie saw Jacqueline’s director leaning against the car his penis in her sister Jacqueline’s mouth.  Natalie watched intently.  She had seen her sister taken by O, of course and had seen O used in this way by Sir Stephen earlier in the day, but had never seen Jacqueline on her knees before a man.  The director was only the second erect cock she had seen after Sir Stephen.  She did not count the flasher in the Bois de Boulogne as the poor creature was unable to get more than semi-erect.  Natalie watched as Jacqueline using lips and busy hands drank in all of the offering of the director’s pleasure.  She watched as he dried himself on Jacqueline’s hair, did up his trousers, and then drove off.  

Natalie waited while Jacqueline brushed herself off and walked into the villa.  A short time later, she followed.

When she reached the villa herself, she went upstairs and changed, pondering on what she had seen.  On her way out of her room, she came to a part of the second floor terrace that overlooked a secluded part of the garden.  She saw Jacqueline again on her knees, this time in front of Rene. As Rene was ready to finish, Jacqueline took a towel and caught Rene’s emissions in that.

“You know I don’t like to swallow that stuff, or get it on me”, she said.  Rene grumbled but kissed her and they went into the living room hand in hand.

Natalie thought: what a slut my sister is.  She denies her lover what she freely gives the director to be in his movie.  She is so different from my O.  Jacqueline takes and does everything for her own pleasure, while O gives everything and bears anything for the pleasure of others.

Natalie considered Jacqueline to be a selfish slut, but O, who gave all, was her hero.

aanonymouse4o: Natalie practiced leading O on the leash


Natalie practiced leading O on the leash

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aanonymouse4o: After Sir Stephen had attached the leash permanently to O, he used her mouth.  Natali


After Sir Stephen had attached the leash permanently to O, he used her mouth.  Natalie watched and wished she was O, shaved, pierced and now leashed.  She wanted to be desired and used like O, she wanted to be brave and to serve as O did.  She hoped she had the courage.  Meanwhile O took Sir Stephen’s length in her mouth.

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aanonymouse4o: The connection was made Permanent


The connection was made Permanent

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aanonymouse4o: A Chain leash was attached to O’s irons.  Later Sir Stephen would connect the chain p


A Chain leash was attached to O’s irons.  Later Sir Stephen would connect the chain permanently.

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Part IV of the Story of O, The Owl as seen through the eyes of Natalie, Jacqueline’s sister.

When O and Natalie arrived back at Sir Stephen’s villa at Florville outside of Nice, they found that Jacqueline was out scouting locations with the director of her movie, and that Rene was in Nice attending to some business.  Norah was in the local village market getting supplies for their meals, so only Sir Stephen awaited them.

He took O upstairs with Natalie following behind.  He had O remove her clothes and as she removed each item, Natalie would fold it and place it in the wardrobe.  When O stood naked in front of him, Sir Stephen examined her closely, even though O’s naked body was very familiar to him.  He placed the Owl Mask over O’s head and mused that the Commander was absolutely right -, she looked better without her body hair which had contrasted so poorly with the feathers of the mask.  “Plucked quite bare, like a chicken”, he smiled.

Then he told Natalie to go and get him a pair of pliers.  “You are to be placed on a leash, O”, he said.

Sir Stephen forced open the last link of a chain leash and attached it the last of the Iron Rings that pierced O so intimately.  He then closed the link with the pliers, and taking a torch and some flux, welded it shut.  Although the heat was close to her body, O bore the closeness of the fire without flinching.  Now the leash would have to be cut off her irons.

O was led around by Natalie so Natalie could get used to leading her. 

“Am I to led her at the party?”, Natalie asked Sir Stephen.

“Either you or Norah, I haven’t decided”  Natalie begged and pleaded that she be allowed to lead O at the party, but Sir Stephen brutally cut her off saying it would be his decision.

Natalie had hoped that Rene would take Jacquleine to Roissy and take her along.  She would have gone

Natalie had hoped that Rene would take Jacquleine to Roissy and take her along.  She would have gone,just to be with O and in the hope of seeing her arrogant blonde sister whipped

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lovemenageries: © Bart ramakers Natalie remembered sneaking out of her room and spying on Rene and h


© Bart ramakers

Natalie remembered sneaking out of her room and spying on Rene and her sister Jacqueline.  She could not really remember if se had been naked, or if that is the way she wished to remember to it.

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