
aanonymouse4o: Wearing the mask, O seemed half bird headed goddess, and half sacrifice.  No one spok


Wearing the mask, O seemed half bird headed goddess, and half sacrifice.  No one spoke to her, but all were curious.

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aanonymouse4o: The Owl was examined by the guests at the Commander’s party, They did not address or


The Owl was examined by the guests at the Commander’s party, They did not address or speak to her.  The spoke about her as though she were a thing of marble, but her flesh was warm and yielding.

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O stood on the plinth between the bar and the buffet.   A marble bench was behind her, while two torches blazed on the cloister’s balustrade behind her.  The moonlight coming from above foreshortened her shadow, while the back light from the torches made the feathers of the Owl Mask stand out.  The shadows from her breasts caused moving patterns of light and dark across her belly; the shadow of her belly cast into darkness the details of the attachment of the leash to the rings.  On the other hand, the light picked out the marks on the slopes of her upper breasts where she had been cropped and the same on her thighs.

More than before O seemed an unworldly figure, a goddess of the hunt, an inhuman creature not of this world.  But her body, naked and vulnerable, showed the marks in her obviously human body, a woman under the whip.

Goddess and sacrifice, neither entirely of this world.

Dancers would drift close, and slow their movements as they gazed upon her.  Some even dared to touch her; then feeling that her skin was warm, some caressed her. None thought to speak to her, although a few asked Natalie questions about her condition.

Two women sitting together at a table walked over carrying a candlestick and examined O closely, even sitting her down on the marble bench and spreading her legs.  They held the candles close, the flames almost touching her thighs as they examined how she was connected to the leash.  They saw how the Iron rings pierced her and examined the tags that hung from them.  One held the crossed whip and crop emblem of Roissy on one side, and Sir Stephen’s initials on the other.  A second held the initials on one side and Sir Stephen’s signet on the other.  As a drop of wax fell on her flesh, O flinched a little bit.  Seeing this, the woman who held the candle shook it, causing more wax to land on O’s sensitive inner thighs.  This time O did not move.  It was only the unexpectedness of the first wax that caused her to move.

As other guests drifted over, the women demonstrated to them, the leash, the rings, the tags, and the marks of the whip on O’s breasts and belly.  One of the men asked that she be turned around and they gazed on the places where O had been whipped, and where Sir Stephen had branded his initials into her. One man felt her ass, and then reaching through seized the ring and tags from behind.  Natalie felt the leash jerk in her hand.  He caressed O’s sex for a moment while the others watched, then removed his hand, astonished at his actions.

Sometimes the crowd around O was large, sometimes small, as guests drifted towards her and others left to dance or to get a drink or some food.

O stood or sat as the guests moved her body like a doll, and did not speak at all, nor did anyone speak to her. Natalie only spoke to answer their questions otherwise she sat on the ground at O’s feet, an acolyte to the goddess and a holder of the sacrifice.

aanonymouse4o: Natalie had seen O being whipped by Sir Stephen and Norah.  She wanted to suffer as O


Natalie had seen O being whipped by Sir Stephen and Norah.  She wanted to suffer as O had suffered; to be desired as O was desired.  She wanted to be worthy of O ‘s love.

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aanonymouse4o: Natalie had seen O use her sister Jacqueline.  She was so jealous.  Natalie wanted to


Natalie had seen O use her sister Jacqueline.  She was so jealous.  Natalie wanted to belong to O and to be loved by O

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aanonymouse4o: Natalie had seen O use her sister Jacqueline.  She was so jealous.  Natalie wanted to


Natalie had seen O use her sister Jacqueline.  She was so jealous.  Natalie wanted to belong to O and to be loved by O

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aanonymouse4o: Will he come in your mouth O?  Natalie had only ever seen O used by Sir Stephen.  She


Will he come in your mouth O?  Natalie had only ever seen O used by Sir Stephen.  She was excited to learn more of the ways of Roissy

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aanonymouse4o: The Commander’s ring and watch chain bore the same insignia that O’s rings attached taanonymouse4o: The Commander’s ring and watch chain bore the same insignia that O’s rings attached t


The Commander’s ring and watch chain bore the same insignia that O’s rings attached to her iron rings.  The Mark of Roissy

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Being the events of the fourth part of the The Story of O, The Owl, as seen through the eyes of Jacqueline’s sister Natalie.

While Sir Stephen continued to talk to The Commander about his upcoming party, Natalie led O upstairs.  O was quite drained by the gaze of the Commander as he had examined her.  “Why are you so quiet O”, asked Natalie, “you seem quite exhausted.  Surely you have been examined before?”

“He was from Roissy, Natalie”, O said, “he had the Roissy insignia on his ring and on his watch chain.”

Natalie danced around excited.  “Will he come in your mouth O?”  Natalie had only ever seen her beloved O used by Sir Stephen, and of course she had only seen her whipped by Norah or Sir Stephen.  She wanted to see how her beloved O was taken and desired by others.  She wanted to get a glimpse of Roissy practices.  She dearly wanted to go to Roissy so she could emulate O and be worthy of O’s love.  She wanted to bear things as O had done, and be desired as O was desired.  She wanted O to see her as someone O could love.

Sir Stephen came into the room.  While caressing and using O, he spoke sharply to Natalie.

“There are some white boxes downstairs that the Commander brought.  Fetch them”.

Ever since Natalie, Jacqueline’s sister had encountered O at Sir Stephen’s villa at Florville, she h

Ever since Natalie, Jacqueline’s sister had encountered O at Sir Stephen’s villa at Florville, she had longed to be like O and go to Roissy.  

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aanonymouse4o: skinnygirlsfeed:On the floorThe Attnedant’s lover had asked her many times to hav



On the floor

The Attnedant’s lover had asked her many times to have a brazilian wax.  When she did she was surprised at how insistently he used her.

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The events of Part IV of the Story of O, The Owl as seen through the eyes of Jacqueline’s sister Natalie

While Natalie waited outside the cubicle where all of O’s body hair was being waxed away, she overhead a snatch of conversation from an adjoining cubicle.  A Woman gasped in pain, while the attendant ripped away her hair. “Ah, Madam”, soothed her attendant, “how we women must suffer for our beauty”.  Natalie had not considered the matter from that point of view before. 

When O and her attendant emerged and went to the desk to pay, Natalie watched the attendant, she noticed that the girl had a strange look on her face as she looked at O.  Horror and wonder mixed as the considered O and what she had become for love.  An object to used for the pleasure of her lover, a canvas to paint whatever he desired upon her.  After O and Natalie left the salon, she considered as she had not before the different ways the Pain of Love could be made manifest.  After the salon closed, she had one of the other attendants give her a Brazilian, just as she had given O.  Her lover had said many times how such a thing would please him and now she gave in.  In the arms of her lover that night, she was surprised at how insistently and forcefully he took her many times trhough the night.

As they got into the car, Natalie noticed how carefully O folded in skirt so it would not crease as she sat down upon the seat with notihtng between her body and hor seat which had been baking in the sun while O was being plucked for Sir Stephen and the commander.  “Does it feel, different now O?, asked Natalie,”now that all your hair is gone from your sex?”

“I am used to the feel of leather on my body” was O’s enigmatic reply.

After a bit, Natalie asked, “Do you miss Jacqueline now that she no longer comes to you since the fight.  You love her I know”.

“I don’t love her, I just love using her body.  any girls body would do, It is the idea of having a girl’s body to use that I love.  I am the owl you know.”

“But Natalie was young and romantic and idd not believe her.


The events of Part IV of the Story of O as seen through the eyes of Natalie, Jacqueline’s sister.

When O and Natalie reached the salon where O’s waxing had been booked, Natalie had to wait outside the booth where O was attended to.  She could hear every word though.  She heard O assure the attendant that the waxing did not hurt any more than being whipped with the crop.  She heard the disgust in the attendant’s horrified gasp when she saw the Iron Rings which pierced O and heard O try to explain her condition as a pierced and whipped slave.  O tried to tell her how she was proud of her condition and what she had done for love, but the attendant could not get past her disgust.  Natalie guessed by O’s gasps that the attendant was rushing the procedure, no longer caring how much she hurt O as long as she got O out of her shop.  Natalie heard O gasp as more hot wax was applied and then the attendant hissed, “especially hot just for you, is that any worse than a whipping?”  If O made any reply, Natalie did not hear it.


Natalie slept late the next morning.  She was tired out by the excitement of the Commander’s visit followed by O trying on all the different masks.  In the end, the Owl mask had been chosen, leaving the head of a Owl on the body of a woman.  Like an Egyptian God, she had stood there, implacable and unknowable.

Natalie awoke when Norah knocked on her door and brought in a tray.  On it were coffee with milk, a piece of fruit, a piece of cheese and a croissant. 

“Hurray and get dressed”, Norah said, “O is going into Nice this morning to be waxed, and if you are ready in time, you may accompany her”.

Natalie hurriedly ate, washed, and dressed and was downstairs in time to join O in the Villa’s small car for the run into Nice.  “Won’t Jacqueline be angry you took the car O”, Natalie asked.  O told Natalie, simply and without inflection that Jacqueline had been picked up by the director of her movie.  “I bet Rene didn’t like that”, said Natalie.  O smiled and said nothing.

O confided in Natalie that she hoped Sir Stephen didn’t regret having her waxed, recalling for Natalie how he liked to pull her to him by tugging on her nether fleece.  Natalie nodded.  “And not only in bed, but when I am naked in his office too.”  O continued.

Natalie 04 Part 2
The events from Part IV of the Story of O, The Owl, as seen through the eyes of Natalie.

At supper Rene was silent and sulking because he had lost money at the Casino, while his friends had been lucky.  Jacqueline answered questions about her day with the director with a lot of talk about the admiration her acting and good looks were getting.
How full of herself she is, thought Natalie.
O talked animatedly and amusingly about the English people they had met at the yacht club.  How the men were stiff and unyielding, and of their icy women.  Women who looked like nothing could rouse them to passion, and who held their bodies poker straight, afraid of movement.  O moved while she talked, and Natalie could see her breasts move under the thin red silk of her blouse.  Natalie yearned to see those breasts under the hand of Sir Stephen or Jacqueline, the rosy tips almost reaching out of themselves to be touched.
Sir Stephen smiled as O mocked his countrymen and women.  He had been a long time in France, and anyway, he never reined in his passions.
Jacqueline looked bored, as she always did when she wasn’t the centre of attention. Rene sulked.
“Eat some more little one”, said Norah.  Natalie, who always bristled when Jacqueline called her little on, because it was so dismissive said nothing.
She ate the extra helping.
She was terrified of Norah.

The events from Part IV of the Story of O, The Owl, as seen through the eyes of Natalie.
Later in the week, Sir Stephen and O went to the yacht club in the black saloon car to have lunch with some of his English friends.  Jacqueline was picked up by the director of a movie for whom she had shot some scenes in Paris.  They went off to take some exterior shots.  Rene took the small blue sports car to gamble at the casino.  Natalie, left by herself was restless.  She took the path down to the inlet and swam in the sea, and then lay on the beach in the shade.  When she returned to the villa, she went upstairs and changed from her orange swimming costume to a white sun dress.  As she descended the back stairs to the kitchen, she heard Norah speaking on the phone.  Her voice, which was usually so calm, and spoke perfect French with barely a trace of an accent, was raised.  Speaking in an island patois so thick Natalie could barely understand her, Norah said, “she is a slut and out of control, it is because you are too soft and don’t beat her.”  When she saw Natalie, Norah finished the call.  Her voice more under control, she said to Natalie, “my granddaughter is a slut, my daughter is too kind to beat her.”
She moved quietly and smoothly about the kitchen, putting some bread, olive oil, lemon and cheese in front of Natalie.  Natalie who was a little conscious of her remaining baby fat, although she was not really pudgy, pushed them away.
“Little one, those will become your womanly curves, eat up”.  
Natalie heard the steel in Norah’s voice and did so.

One day when Sir Stephen was out and Rene was sailing alone in the inlet below the Villa, Jacqueline and Natalie were sunbathing topless on the terrace off the second floor.  O came out of the house and wearing a short skirt and lay down beside them.  Jacqueline took some of the tanning oil she was using and oiled O’s back, and arms and legs.  She rubbed the oil into O’s body tenderly but absentmindedly.  When she finished the legs, she reached up under the skirt and oiled the inside of O’s thighs.  Natalie heard the rings clink softly and then heard O’s rapid intake of breath as Jacqueline reached O’s secret places.  Jacqueline continued for a moment then laughed and lay back down.  She passed the oil to Natalie and told her, “use some of the oil, little one, or you will burn.  Natalie burned a little with anger at how casually Jacqueline teased her beloved O.

Norah, the Haitian servant came out on the terrace with a pitcher of lemonade and three glasses.  The ice in the pitcher clinked a little, making a sound similar to that O’s rings had made a few minutes earlier when Jacqueline seized her.  The pitcher had frosted up in the heat and drops of moisture dripped down it, as moisture dripped from the nearly naked girls.  Norah was fully clothed in a severely cut grey outfit with white lace at the neck and cuffs.  Her shoes had a slight heel and were black and polished.  She put down the tray with the pitcher and the glasses, and left.  As she reached the door, she looked back, saw the faint marks on O’s back and smiled a little.  Then she went back into the cool house.  The three girls sat up to drink their lemonade.  As they drank small beads of sweat ran down their bodies.  One ran down the upper slope of Jacqueline’s left breast.  It moved slowly but steadily down the curve and reached the aureole surrounding the nipple.  Just as it reached the pink bud, O leaned over and licked it off, sucking it into her mouth.  She then seized the nipple in her teeth and pulled slightly.  Jacqueline reached out and took O’s hand.  Then O and Jacqueline got to their feet and went into the house.  Natalie took a deep drink of her lemonade.

Natalie drank some more lemonade and then after a minute followed the other two into the house.  She moved quietly and entered the little alcove between O’s room and Sir Stephen’s where the linens were kept.  Keeping silent, she moved a neat pile of ironed sheets to reveal the cunning holes in the wall that allowed a viewer to see all that happened in O’s room.  O had removed her skirt and was sitting astride Jacqueline.  She had pinned Jacqueline’s hand above her head with one of her hands and the other pinched Jacqueline’s nipples.  Jacqueline lay there while O took her breasts and then releasing her hands, removed Jacqueline’s bikini bottom.  Natalie could see the rings in O’s labia and the links with Sir Stephen’s name, the crossed whips and the one with his signet as O bent over Jacqueline.  The marks of the brands that Anne-Marie had burned into O’s buttocks were also very evident.  Jacqueline’s lips worked at O’s nipples while O used a dildo as black as Norah on Jacqueline’s sex.  Then O seized Jacqueline by her nether lips, taking her harshly with fingers, lips and teeth, pulling and teasing the fleshy nub at the top of the lips until Jacqueline cried out in surrender.  O having taken Jacqueline, left her without a backward glance picking up her skirt and not putting it back on until she was on the terrace.
Natalie watched the whole thing, transfixed, too rapt to even touch herself.  Jacqueline lay on the bed totally spent; Natalie went down to the inlet to cool herself by swimming in sea.
O finished the lemonade while Norah oiled the leather encasing the crop and soaked the cords of the scourge.

From the start Natalie was fascinated by O’s enslaved condition.  One day she ducked out of a sailing expedition with Rene and Jacqueline because she knew that Sir Stephen whipped O at that same time.  She begged to be allowed to watch Sir Stephen whip O.  After some time, Sir Stephen agreed.

O had been sunbathing topless on the terrace, she was wearing a short skirt, because she could not wear a bathing suit due to the rings hanging from her pierced labia.  Norah fetched O, calling her with the one word, Come, just as one would call a dog.  O was led into Sir Stephen’s room by the stern faced Haitian maid.  Natalie watched rapt with excitement as Sir Stephen tied O’s hands together and then left them over O’s head to a hook in the high bed post.  He then pulled off her dress while Norah handed him a riding crop.  Norah watched impassively while Sir Stephen lashed O’s bottom and thighs.  He then turned her and used the crop on her breasts, making them dance.  Natalie breathed in sharply as O gasped in pain as first one nipple then another was reddened.
Norah remained impassive.

Lastly Sir Stephen took the scourge, with it’s many whipcords tied with knots at the end and then soaked with water to make them stiff.  He whipped O’s back, bottom and the backs of her thighs, sometimes running the knotted, moistened thongs up between O’s legs and across her sex.  O cried out loudly then.  At a nod from Sir Stephen, Norah took a cloth and roughly forced it into O’s mouth, knottin it at the back.
Sir Stephen continued.
In all, O’s whipping took about 25 minutes.  Natalie watched throughout without speaking, but her eyes were bright.  O hung from the ropes binding her hands together, softly weeping, as Norah put away the instruments used by Sir Stephen, the crop, the cane, and the cruel scourge.  She cleaned them carefully of and drops of blood, and the sweat of O.  
Then she led Natalie from the room and went downstairs
There was an alcove in the hall between O’s room and Sir Stephens.  It was closed by a curtain.  Linens were kept there.  One day when searching for a bathing towel, Natalie had discovered that the walls between the alcove and O’s room were cunningly pierced so that someone in the alcove could observe what was happening in the bedroom without being seen.
After Norah went downstairs, Natalie went into the linen alcove and watching from her dark hiding place saw Sir Stephen tenderly support O as he removed her bound wrists from the hook in the bedpost of the 4 poster bed.
She watched as O was unbound.  Sir Stephen turned her around and bend O over the bed.  O spread her bottom checks to allow Sir Stephen access to his favourite way of taking her.  He took her so harshly, the rings and tags that pierced her nether lips rattled against the footboard.
Natalie watched as O was taken and thought of how much she loved her.  Natalie caressed herself as Sir Stephen finished in O and left the room.  O whipped and used lay utterly spent and slipped from the bed to the floor.

Our Characters or Who are these people?

The blog is inspired by Story of O so most of the characters come from there.

O is the Heroine, Rene was the boyfriend who took her to Chateau Roissy and introduced her to bondage.  He then gave her to Sir Stephen, his half brother, and took up with a model Jacqueline.  Natalie is Jacqueline’s sister and Norah is Sir Stephen’s Haitian servant.  Eric fell in love with O and begged Sir S to free her, but then used her cruelly at Roissy.

Sutton and Alessa were invented by o-1968.tumblr and their story begins in his archive on Jan 14th.
