#native humor


(This post originated on quora and the answer was written by user Sam Morningstar)

Well, the process would only be complete if after 500 years of alien colonization the American population plummeted to very small levels and humans are confined to reservations. Then, the aliens (supposing they could mate with humans) would all claim that they are “part-human” or have “American blood.”

But, when a human-American (representing a small minority within an alien-dominated population) asks them, “Who is your human-American ancestor?” the alien wouldn’t be able to say who his human-American ancestor was.

He’d say, “I have a photo of my great-grandmother who has human features.” But, then you look at the photo and it’s like:

“This is my great-grandmother. Look at those small, human-American eyes. That’s from her grandmother who was said to be ’‘part-human/American.’”

And if the human-American talked about his people and the inherent sovereignty of his nation, the alien would say, “I’m part-human-American too. Why can’t you just be a part of the Glortax-5000 Confederacy now?” Aren’t we all just Milky Wayans anyway? Why do we always have to focus on our differences?“

Original Source
