#nct kim jungwoo


[1:54 a.m]

the tiny fan blowing air towards the two of you somehow cannot beat the heat that gathers all around in your shared bedroom. blankets were tossed off of each other’s practically stripped-down-naked bodies in futile attempts to regulate body temperatures, yet your boyfriend thought the best solution was to snuggle closer to your sweaty body.

“please woo, spare me from this scorching prison,” you whine from between his arms.

“don’t be dramatic,” jungwoo mumbles into your shoulder, seemingly unaffected by the heat that is practically causing your room to steam in the hot summer night.

“if this is being dramatic then you’re a broadway actor,” you scoff, releasing yourself from his inferno of a grip to get up and turn the fan onto the highest setting. clambering back over towards the bed and flipping your pillow for the millionth time, you turn over and mumble another ‘goodnight’.

it’s when you feel a hand crawling across your stomach and hot lips pressing themselves once again between your shoulder blades that you give up on your cool-down ministrations and fact reality that you will never have any personal space with jungwooaround.
