#nd history

history in the games {3/?}: ghost dogs of moon lakerecently emerging from a short stint in the great

history in the games {3/?}: ghost dogs of moon lake

recently emerging from a short stint in the great war, the united states enjoyed a dramatic upswing in its economic favor at the beginning of the 1920s. such fortune only lasted until the penultimate year of the decade, when events just as suddenly took a turn for the worse and kicked off the great depression. 

the jazz age saw a distinctive cultural revolution, specifically with the female in american society: politics acknowledged the achievement of women’s suffrage in 1920, and fashions of the time spawned the ‘flapper,’ a young, carefree woman who shortened her skirts and bobbed her hair. prohibition forbade the sale of alcohol, but underground speakeasies and bootlegging led by gangsters such as al capone and lucky luciano thrived on civilian business. as its name would suggest, jazz music reached a peak in popularity, with talented musicians such as louis armstrong and duke ellington beginning to lessen the racial divide in american culture. 

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history in the games {2/?}from the 1930s onward, europe was awash in the dramatic events of world wa

history in the games {2/?}

from the 1930s onward, europe was awash in the dramatic events of world war ii. france surrendered to german conquerors in june of 1940, but french involvement in the international conflict was far from over. the germans installed a vichy puppet government in a concentrated area of the nation without much outward protest.

however, some brave souls organized themselves into a coalition known as the french resistance (la résistance française) to rebel against their teutonic captors. though some resistors (called “maquis”) were more violent, aspiring to hurt and even kill germans, others were more proactive in the war effort. these men and women endeavored to break enemy codes, pass helpful information along to the allies, and disrupt german militant communication. 

though much credit is given to ally troops for liberating france on june 6, 1944 (”d-day”), french resistance fighters were actually instrumental in freeing themselves from german control. 

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history in the games  {1/?}in the late sixteenth century, denizens of the small town of bedburg, ger

history in the games  {1/?}

in the late sixteenth century, denizens of the small town of bedburg, germany believed themselves to be terrorized by a supernatural lupine beast: cattle were found mutilated; children and young women snatched from their homes, never to be seen again; men killed in horrific ways. the superstitious people quickly set out to hunt the monster down, determined to rid themselves of this plague of violence. one night in the surrounding forest they fell upon a well-to-do farmer named peter stumpp, supposedly just after he’d transformed back into a man. stumpp quickly confessed to every chilling act, claiming that the devil had gifted him with a wolfskin belt. the accessory, he claimed, allowed him to mutate into a lupine creature when worn, allowing him to satisfy his unnatural lust for blood. the belt, if it ever existed, was never discovered. 

peter stumpp was executed on october 31, 1589. his corpse was burned at the stake, his head placed atop the statue of a wolf. 

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