#nd witchcraft




Daily Witch Rituals for Busy Witches

  • As soon as you wake up, open your curtains and let sunlight into your room! It’ll help wake you up.
  • Stretch and greet the sun. Ask her to watch over you again today. 
  • Draw a daily tarot card.
  • Enjoy a cup of tea. Stir clockwise to attract, counter clockwise to banish.
  • Pick an outfit with color correspondences to match the day. Even if you feel tired, dress in bright colors and smile in the mirror. Manifest the happiness you deserve. 
  • Pocket a small crystal. Amethyst for protection, rose quartz for love, labradorite for courage, moonstone for clarity, etc. 
  • Water and talk to your plants. They protect your home by absorbing negative energy and curses. Thank them!
  • Cook with intention. Use herbs, colors, and flavors that correspond with what you’re trying to manifest. 
  • Meditate, even if it’s just for five minutes. Set aside time for yourself to empty your mind and relax. During this time, forget about upcoming deadlines, this week’s grocery list, or any other reminder you keep in the back of your mind. 
  • Before you go to bed, review what you’re thankful for. Talk to your deities or just remind yourself of all the good things you got going for you!
  • Greet the moon and ask her to watch out for you while you rest.   

I do Pay What You Can Tarot Readings!


mental illness meds, witchcraft, and spirituality

I don’t have anything eloquent to say. Just the fact that I’ve been on a moderate dose anti-depressant for a year and it has positively affected my practice. If you struggle with mental illness and worry that being medicated will make your psychic censer harder to bypass or numb you to spiritual communication - it won’t


Rise like the sun


Materials needed! 

Crystal: citrine, sunstone, golden calcite, tiger’s eye, clear quartz 

Flame: match or candle  

Location: A quiet place in the sun, inside or outside is fine. 


Take your crystal and let it soak up some wonderful sunshine (not for too long because it could fade! Use your crystals responsibly!)

Light your candle and place the charged crystal near it. If you’re using a match hold the crystal in your other hand and gaze at the flame. 

- Chant, mentally or out loud:

I am awake, 

I am refreshed, 

I am whole, 

I shine bright, 

I am the light.”

- Feel recharged and refreshed for the day! 

My other solar spell guides and magick guides are located hereandhere

-☀️ Solarian ☀️

sheisrecovering: Eating unhealthy food is infinitely better than not eating anything.


Eating unhealthy food is infinitely better than not eating anything.

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