#neal caffrey elizabeth burke


I know there was talk about making a White Collar sequel movie, but has anyone considered a White Collar prequel movie? I mean:

I bet when Peter got those cookies he labeled them ‘evidence’ and refused to eat a single one. Even after Neal called asking how they tasted.

Then the next day he comes home only to find the cookie box opened, half finished by Elizabeth happily munching away with a glass of wine or while relaxing on the couch after work or something. He tells her that a criminal he’s chasing sent them and for a half second she panics “are they poisoned?” but Peter reassures her “no” because the thought of Neal sending him poisoned cookies hadn’t even crossed his mind.

So El continues eating the cookies, justifying it with “They taste really good, and they’re [brand name] from France (or another country). It would be a shame to let them go to waste.”

Only then does Peter reluctantly have one of the cookies, only to find that they really taste good and helps El finish the box. He dreads (and simulatonously looks forward to) Neal’s next phone call because he knows Neal will know in a millisecond that Peter not only ate the cookies, but enjoyed them. (And that Neal will take this as in invitation to send more).


Side note tho, can you imagine how awesome a prequel movie would’ve been? We all know that Peter loves a scavenger hunt from that one episode with the 2 rich brothers and their late father’s cryptic will. Neal’s case would literally have been Peter’s guilt pleasure, so to speak.

Not to mention, the late night phone calls?? It could just be me but the way they said that… in my experience late night phone calls usually have an intimate vibe to them? I don’t mean intimate in the romantic/sexual way, more in the sense that people are more true to themselves/heartfelt. It’s type of conversation/mood that makes connections between people.

Don’t imagine Peter crawling out of bed at 1am to find his phone ringing. He picks up, and Neal’s on the other side. At first the conversation is one of half truths and cryptic clues (Neal) and promises of catching him (Peter), but since it’s 1am… it devolves into something else. Neal reminiscing about something, Peter letting himself admit that he loves the chase, loves the clues. Maybe Neal shares his motives for conning/forging art. Maybe Peter tells him why he joined the FBI instead of becoming a rich accountant (we know that he doesn’t regret that choice bc of El and Neal in my opinion, but we don’t know why he chose a different path. He didn’t meet El until after he was FBI).


Anyway the fanfics for Caffrey-Burke Day @operationmorewhitecollar are taking wayyyy to long to finish () so here’s something while y'all wait.




I need more El & Neal pre canon fics

Omfg I would love to read this if you wrote it!!! Or write it if you didn’t


Ahhhh okay, I’ll add it to the list and tag you if/when it gets done!!
