#neethu speaks


people on this hellsite will endlessly nitpick wlw content, call anything that isn’t perfect and pure ‘bad representation’, make others feel guilty for enjoying rep they’ve labelled as 'bad…and then they’ll turn around and wonder and bitch about why there isn’t enough wlw content in fandom

that post about fandom getting prematurely angry about stuff they think is gonna happen before it even happening is really just the 911 fandom getting enraged every single hiatus over the potentiality of events of the previous season not being addressed, only to be proven hilariously wrong when the show comes back

watching the west wing and the way nehru’s full name was pronounced in this one episode made me. die a little on the inside

a good way to lose all faith in humanity is to read IMDb reviews

the choice in 4x13, to have both maddie and eddie see themselves in sheila, the woman who was hurting her son….eddie wanting to sympathize with her and taking the fact that she was hurting her child so personally; maddie clearly viewing herself as an unfit mother, going as far as to relate to a woman who poisoned her own child. suspicion being the episode that kicked off the series of events for both their breakdowns - the first clear signs of maddie’s PPD and eddie getting shot. something about maddie and eddie thinking so lowly of themselves as people and parents that they would relate to a mother as awful as sheila. i hate this goddamn show.

a fellow gifmaker, i should sympathize; but as a petty bitch i love it when people i don’t like don’t get much engagement with their gifsets at all <3
