#nemo draws




Master and Student of the Mystic Arts

@inqueee I know this is late, but my computer died when I tried to finish it yesterday, and I ran out of time - But I got it finished this afternoon!

You’ve been so kind and supportive of me for so long (dare I say, but you’re the first mutual I remember getting) and that support has no bounds. No matter what I do you’re always there, and for that I’m forever grateful - I hope this conveys some of what I can’t show in person.

Evie, I love you in every universe.

MABDISNJFBGSMF DW ABOUT IT BEING LATE OMG NEMOOO I CANT EVEN BEGIN TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH I LIKE IT  I saw the notif when I woke up and I looked at this so long I was late for breakfast fjsbjfn— I actually screamed a little bit when i saw it too

This is so sweet, and you’re so amazing aaAA I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHH 

Because I am a huge fucking nerd I’m gonna finally post these that I drew like, four months ago, because I’m watching the Transformers movies again and have spiraled. Again. So enjoy.

Master and Student of the Mystic Arts

@inqueee I know this is late, but my computer died when I tried to finish it yesterday, and I ran out of time - But I got it finished this afternoon!

You’ve been so kind and supportive of me for so long (dare I say, but you’re the first mutual I remember getting) and that support has no bounds. No matter what I do you’re always there, and for that I’m forever grateful - I hope this conveys some of what I can’t show in person.

Evie, I love you in every universe.
