#nenja the textures

flaggermousseart: There, still wearing his hugely oversized coat but now with the addition of a helm


There, still wearing his hugely oversized coat but now with the addition of a helmet much too large for him, was Nobby Nobbs.
“How did you get there, Nobby?”
“My mum says I’m insidious,” said Nobby, grinning. A concertina sleeve rose to the vicinity of Nobby’s head, and Vimes realized that somewhere in there was a salute.
“She’s right,” said Vimes. “So, where—”
“’M an acting constable now, Sarge,” said Nobby. “Mr. Colon said so. Gave me a spare helmet. ’M carvin’ meself a badge out of, of—what’s that, like, waxy, kind of like candles but you can’t eat it?”
“Soap, Nobby. Remember the word.”

Night Watch - Terry Pratchett

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