#neohub event level up


: best friend! Mark x streamer!reader

: Level Up hosted by @neohub

: fluff, angst, smut, best friends to lovers au, gamers au

: 18+

: cursing, mentions of blood (from a cut), oral (giving and receiving), choking, dirty talk, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, nipple play

: 3.5k

: You and Mark are testing out a new game, set in a virtual world no one has traveled to before. But when a malfunction happens during transport, you have to be honest with each other and work together to make it out alive. 

: Thank youuuuu to @wordycerty for reading over this for me. I’ve never written anything like this in this depth and I was nervous writing this. ❤


“Are you ready?”

You zip up your tight black leather suit, quickly throwing your hair into a ponytail.

“Yep! I’ve been waiting forever for this day.”

Today you are testing the new role-playing game Wanderlust Rewind, a virtual reality game that lets you zoom into the game and live in Aria. You are a popular online streamer, and your best friend Mark works for the company developing the game. When he told you about the game, you begged him to let you test it. You are a big fan of the games, and you knew it would be an excellent opportunity to work with them. 

You bribed Mark with everything you can think of, with him finally giving in at the last minute. In exchange for making your delicious chocolate chip cookies from scratch for a month, you would also get to stream the gameplay online. It wasn’t a paying job, but it’s well worth it, as you get to test the game out with your best friend. 

“Come on, slowpoke,” Mark calls out from outside your changing room. “I wanna get in there early.”

Right. But first, a quick check in the mirror. Your suit hugs your body in all the right places and your lace-up boots are secure on your feet. You grab your matching metallic helmet, encrypted with a virtual reality chip that is supposed to transfer you to Aria. Surely you aren’t the only person who would’ve slept with the thing. Your excitement over this day kept you up past midnight.

“You need to haul your ass—”

You open the door before Mark could finish his sentence, his eyes practically popping out of his sockets. You could tell he got a haircut, his freshly dyed gray hair standing out like a silver wind. Mark is a handsome guy, with his almond-shaped eyes, beautiful skin, and nice body. Since you met at a convention a couple of years ago, he’s been your best friend, but honestly, it feels like you have known him forever. Feelings are there, but you always put them to the side, afraid of the possibility of him not feeling the same way. You aren’t the type to wear your heart on your sleeve, and you prefer it that way. It made you feel safer.

“Are you done bitchin’?” You tease him, nudging his shoulder.

He rolls his eyes, walking you towards the testing area where you two will be playing the game.

“How come you aren’t wearing a suit like me?” You ask, pointing at his outfit. Mark opts to wear a black suit with a white shirt underneath. He carries his helmet in your hand, similar to yours. 

“I wanted to be comfortable,” he shrugs, unlocking the door.

“And who the hell is comfortable wearing a suit and tie?” You snort. “Just admit it, you want to moonlight Men in Black.”

“Maybe,” he quips, guiding you inside.

Chatter fills the testing area, with consoles and gaming systems at each table. There are snacks and drinks on one end of the site, nowhere near the tech to prevent accidental spills. Mark shows you where you will be testing: a big screen with a keyboard where you have to enter your credentials to get started. Two employees approach you, one with snowy white hair and the other with very short black hair, wearing the same suit as Mark.

“This is Jisung and Renjun,” Mark introduces you to them, and you shake their hands. “They will be here to help us out if anything goes wrong.

“I mean, nothing should go wrong, right?” You ask, looking at the big monitor.

“It shouldn’t,” he assures you. “But we need to be prepared just in case.”

You nod, putting on your helmet while Jisung secures a utility belt around your waist.

“The belt has things that will help you get through the game,” Renjun states, as if he was reading your mind. “Mark can explain the rest once you arrive at Aria. So, go ahead and put in your info with the keyboard.”

You enter what’s asked of you on the monitor, with Mark following suit behind you. A nervous excitement washes over you, as you have never traveled to virtual reality before. You have seen other streamers do it, and while it seems fun, you’ve always feared something going wrong and being stuck in that world forever. Clearly, you have watched a little too much of Sword Art Online.

“Hey.” Mark touches your hand, interrupting your thoughts. “I’m with you, okay? If anything goes wrong, they will be here to pull us out. Plus, we can still talk to them with this.” He pulls out a walkie-talkie, and you feel more at ease. “Here we go,” Mark enters a code on the keyboard, and an animated character appears.

“Ready, player one and two?” The automated voice booms out of the screen.

You look at Mark, who has his helmet on, and you nod, looking at the monitor.

“Very well. Let’s get started.”

Millions of red codes in flash in front of your helmet, the room spiraling counter-clockwise with a powerful force pushing you forward. You zoom into darkness, a second later landing on a cold black floor, with Mark coming behind you.

“What is this place?” You ask, dusting off your butt.

“I- I’m not sure.”

You snap your head at Mark in disbelief, your eyes glaring at him through your helmet.

“What does that mean? Are we lost?”

“Jisung, Renjun, are you seeing this?” Mark speaks into the walkie-talkie.

There is static reported back, and your heart sinks further to your stomach. You knew this was a bad idea, being the first person to test this game. But you wanted to have the inside scoop on this, allowing you to spend time with Mark. Kill two birds with one stone, as they say.

Welcome, players one and two. 

You jump at the automated voice; Mark looks around to see where the voice is coming from. 

“Coda,” Mark calls out. “Where are we?”

“You are in Limbus,” the voice responds. “This is the gateway between Aria and the world you know.”

What the fuck. You think to yourself. I knew I should’ve just kept my big mouth shut and waited until the game was released and-

“Hey Mark, can you hear us??” Jisung’s voice booms through the walkie-talkie, cutting through your thoughts. 

You walk over to Mark to listen to what he has to say.

“You are stuck in Glitch Mode,” Renjun reveals. “Remember when we encountered it while you set up the game?”

You hear Mark gulp, with tiny beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

“The only way to get out of there is to complete whatever two tasks Coda has you to, and then we should be able to transport you out of there.”

“What two tasks?” You ask. “Mark, what are they talking about?”

Mark doesn’t answer right away, instead opting to sit on the cold, hard floor. You take a seat next to him, desperate to figure out what is happening.

“So when we tested the game, we came across Glitch Mode before and barely made it out. Coda comes up with two challenges we have to do and we have to pass. Otherwise, we will never return to the real world.”

You sit for a minute, taking in the information he just told you.

“So, what do we have to do?” You press on. “I wish you would’ve told me this before I agreed to do this.”

“I know, and I’m sorry,” Mark pleads, taking your hand. “I thought we had it all fixed before today. You have to know that I would never put you in danger.”

You believe him, though the anger you felt is now replaced with anxiety. A timer appears in front of you two, with a woman dressed in a suit and tie appearing next to it. You reach out to the woman only to realize she is a hologram.

“I will ask you one question. Answer them truthfully and within ten seconds, and we will move to the final round. The card in your belt will show us your vitals and tell us if you are telling the truth. If you do not pass the test, we will transport you to another realm, never to return.”

You and Mark look at either other, nodding in silent agreement on what you must do.

“Very well then,” the hologram says. “Player two, what is something you have been hiding from player one?”

Your head snaps up, your eyebrows raised at the possibility of Mark ever hiding anything from you. You two are best friends, and he tells you everything. The timer on the clock ticks down to five, and he still hasn’t given an answer.

“Mark, hurry up and answer,” you shout, your patience wearing thin.





“I am in love with her.”

The timer immediately stops, the hologram disappears, and a motorcycle appears. You are more confused than ever, not only by the bike but also by Mark being in love with you. He’s never let on that he cared about you more than friendship, and under different circumstances, you would be happy to hear him say that. But now you must focus on you both getting the fuck out of here.

“You passed,” the automated voice speaks. “Your last task is to ride this motorcycle to the end of the wall and back. Beware of the flying discs.”

“What flying dis-”

A disk of fiery copper flies past your head, missing you by literal inches. You jump back, obviously shaken, and Mark puts on his helmet, hopping on the motorcycle.

“Come on,” he reaches out his hand, and you grab it, hopping on behind him.


Mark speeds into the unknown, flying disks hurling at you two. Mark bobs and weaves like he does this for sport, and you grab onto him tighter, afraid that you will fall.

“I got you, okay?” He yells, getting close to the wall.

He drifts the motorcycle, spinning around and turning him back to where you came from. You turn around, and three disks are coming at you in speed, the sparks flying off it as if it’s ready to cut.

“Mark, they’re gaining on us!” you shout.

He presses his foot on the pedal further, speeding into where there is now a finish line. You can feel the heat of the disks moving closer to your back as you cross the line, the disks disappearing into pixilated dust. You hurriedly climb off the motorcycle, Mark following suit and the bike disappearing shortly after.

“Congratulations,” the cold automated voice says. “You have passed the tests. Where would you like to go?”

You put on your helmet, moving closer to Mark.

“I want to get the fuck out of here-”

“Our world,” Mark interrupts. “Take us back to our world.”

“Very well then.”

You put on your helmet just in time before you are zapped back to the testing area, falling flat on your butt once again. Jisung and Renjun rush over to you both, checking your vitals and making sure you are okay. You look over at Mark and notice a notable cut on his arm, assuming they came from the flying disks.

“Are you okay?” You ask him, taking a closer look.

“Yeah, I’ll be okay,” he nods. “I’m just going to get this covered up. It’s not that deep.”

You look at the rest of the area, everyone giving you curious looks. Your face is hot with embarrassment, and your anxiety ticks up. Finally, you take off your helmet, leaving it on the desk and undoing your utility belt.

“I’m going to go home,” you announce. “That was… an ordeal, to say the least.”

“Let me take you home,” Mark offers, hopping out.

“No, it’s okay, honestly,” you wave him off. “You don’t have to do that.”

“But I want to,” he insists.

He grabs his keys and tells Jisung and Renjun he is leaving for the day. You wanted to be alone and think about what just happened, on top of Mark confessing his feelings for you. This wasn’t how you imagined how this would go. You always thought it would happen over dinner; you casually tell him you like him, and he feels the same, agreeing to be together and sealing the deal with a kiss.

He walks you down the hallway to the changing room, where you get the rest of your things. You sit down on the chair, your mind racing with everything that just happened, including almost losing your life in a game you’d been excited to play. Today is a fucked up day; you would if you could go back in time and erase despite Mark confessing. 

You continue to sit and think, aware that the time passes by, but you are so lost in your thoughts that you don’t care. It isn’t until Mark knocks on the door that you snap back into reality.

“Are you okay in there?” his voice booms through the door.

“Y-yeah,” you clear your throat.

You grab your things and open the door, nearly bumping into Mark. He locks the door, looking at you with eyes you’ve never seen before: a look of sadness and worry.

“I know you’re not okay,” Mark says. “I would never have you test a game with that kind of risk. You have to know that.”

“I know,” you sigh. “It’s just… a lot happened in there? Not only that, but I am sure that’s not how you wanted to tell me you have feelings for me.”

His shoulders fall and he nods, agreeing with you, shoving his hands in his pockets. You gaze at his arm, his cut replaced with a bandaid, and you feel relieved that he’s okay.

“I planned to tell you, you know.”

You look at him, trying to hold back a smile.

“I wanted to take you out on a date,” Mark elaborates. “I had this idea to take you up to the mountains where you love to hike, and I was going to plan a picnic there. Bring all your favorite foods and our Nintendo switches, and just hang out. Then boom, tell you how I feel and go from there. I’m sorry I couldn’t do that for you.”

You can imagine yourself sitting on top of the mountain on that date, with your favorite blanket spread out and Mark laying on top of it. Nothing else would make you happier.

“You still can,” you confess.

Mark’s head snaps up, a broad smile spreading across his face,

“I know we just went through a life or death kind of thing right now, but I promise I’m not speaking from that place. I’ve had feelings for you for a while, and I’m relieved you feel the same way, even though I wish it didn’t come out like that.” You move closer to him, smiling softly.

“Again, I’m sorry you had to go through that—”

“Mark, honestly, it’s fine,” you assure him. “I know you wouldn’t do that.”

You can’t stop looking at him. With his clear skin, sharp jaw, and boyish looks, it’s no wonder you fell for him. He is a good person with a soft heart, everything you’ve ever wanted, wrapped up in a black suit.

“God, you’re so pretty,” he says, his face inching closer to yours.

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” you chuckle, your nose almost touching his.

“I’m going to kiss you, okay?” he whispers.


He kisses you with a passion you never knew he had for you. It was intense and sincere, and it meant so much to you at that moment. Your hands trail to his shirt, undoing the buttons and carefully pushing it off to avoid messing up the band-aid. You let him unzip your suit, rushing to take it off and undoing your shoes all in one go. You eagerly pull at his pants, unbuckling his belt and desperate to pull his dick out.

“Do you really want to do this here?” Mark whispers, pulling his boxers down.

His dick springs free and your mouth waters. You’ve never wanted to suck on something so much in your life. You get on your knees, licking your lips before tasting him. He hisses softly, his hands grabbing your hair.

“Please don’t make me wait a second longer.”

You slowly take Mark’s well-endowed dick into your mouth, challenging yourself to take him all in. He groans at the feel of your warm, velvet mouth around his sensitive head. His groan stuttered, and he pulled your hair tighter as that warmth stretched further and further down his shaft. Your fingers dig into his thighs, holding him steady while you bob, sucking him in deeper and deeper with each involuntary snap of his hips.

“I’m going to enjoy fucking this pretty mouth of yours,” he grunts, his hands now placed on your cheeks.

His strokes are unrelenting, the slurping sounds your mouth is making turning you on. Your fingers trace down to your center, rubbing it softly as you match his rhythm.

“So good,” you cry out.

Your dripping wet core is spilling over your panties, his long veiny cock hitting the back of your throat with no mercy. Mark bends over, unhooking your bra and feeling your breasts. You are sensitive to his touch, your nipples perking as his thumb caresses them softly. Finally, he drags himself out of your mouth, lifting you up and gifting you with a kiss.

“Take off your panties,” he commands.

You do as you’re told, sliding them down your legs. He bends you over a chair, your ass up in the air as he gets on his knees. He smacks your ass, and it excites you, making you bite your lip. You feel his warm breath against your entrance, and he delves his tongue inside you, your insides immediately surrendering to him.

“Fuck,” you moan, gripping the chair.

Mark is sloppy, burying his face deep into your pussy and lapping all over your clit. He is very good at this, humming softly in pleasure and driving you inside. If you thought you had feelings for him before, it deepened as your release came close.

“Mark, I’m gonna cu—”

Rattle. Rattle.

The door shakes, and your body freezes, afraid of someone walking in on in this compromising position.

“Uh, this room is occupied!” Mark yells. 

“Oh, sorry!”

You hear shuffling and footsteps moving away from the door. Mark suddenly gets up; his hands slide up your legs and touch your slit. He stuffs two fingers inside you, thrusting into you slowly while his thumb rubs your bud. Your thighs shiver in pleasure, and you cover your mouth as you can barely contain yourself.

“I wish I could do this longer,” Mark whispers. “But we have to hurry before we get caught. I’m not the only one with a key.”

“Okay,” you whisper. He reluctantly removes his fingers from you, replacing them with his cock, lining up with your entrance. He pushes into you slowly, making sure you are comfortable and adjusting to him well. His slow, dangerous strokes hit every spot, and you feel yourself coming undone. Your hips match his rhythm, guiding his hand to your throat. You squeeze it softly, silently telling him it’s okay. You can handle him.

“Fuck, so tight,” he grunts. “I’m going to make you cum all over me.”

“Please,” you beg. “Go harder.”

His strokes become deeper, squeezing your throat tighter as he pushes you against the wall. He fucks you mercilessly, skin-clapping noises spreading throughout the room, and you can’t think straight. You don’t bother being quiet; Mark is fucking you so good that you don’t care who hears it. You feel him twitch inside you and your walls tighten around him, signaling your release. 

“I can’t take it,” you cry. “I’m gonna cum.”

He pounds hard, your thighs shivering as your orgasm courses through you. Your body explodes with delight, a loud cry escaping your lips, quickly muffled by Mark’s hand. He kisses the back of your neck, his breathing more rigid, and this thrusts harder. He snaps into you two more times before pulling out, spilling his load onto the floor, squirts of cum landing close to your feet. You turn around, your face hot and out of breath. Your legs are shaking, and you barely make it to the chair before collapsing.

“Are you okay?” Mark asks softly.

“Yeah,” you nod. “Just need a minute, haha.”

He grabs your suit and shoes, helping you get dressed before getting himself ready. You can’t suppress the smile on your face, a fucked up situation leading to a happy ending. Finally, you got your dream guy.

“I still want to take you home, if that’s okay?” Mark probed, reaching for your hand.

You smile, leaning in and kissing him, your heart fluttering like butterflies in a field.

“Please,” you grab your things. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
