#neon advent neon


Hello new AU dropped

Last night I couldn’t sleep, my brain went high because I was tired and I just created an AU where Golfball is just- even smaller, baby size, he’s just a small teeny tiny baby boy



[click for better quality thank you djjdsjd]

I’m just gonna copy and paste some info I wrote last night before passing out so sorry if it’s messy-


So- y'know how people kinda divide robots into two groups when talking about babies- like- some robots just get born by being created manually and then can “grow up” with modifying their body like they want. While some other robots just- grow up by themselves just like humans

I was thinking about the Facility messing up stuff again-(we just headcanon the Facility to be stupid) and trying out robots that can actually grow up by themselves. This was kinda a win win in their point of view because they didn’t have to upgrade the robots every time and, they could shape their minds as their will, wich is more difficult to do with robots that “get born” already adults or something. So less chances of rebellion cuz- the baby robots would grow up in the Facility and be educated to follow only its orders.

So- basically Golfball was defective, he wasn’t growing at all, so the Facility tried using a core to maybe- activate his function of growing. But that didn’t work obv- so he was rejected. Baby has been yeeted down the pit and found by Neon- cuz- please how could you not rescue a baby just- thrown out in a pile of dead robots come on-

The core kept Golfball alive as in canon so ye he’s ok, just need to charge the batteries or som djnd

Seven on the other hand was not defective and actually grew up, so in this AU basically only Golfball is baby sized jfjd

As in the Android AU, Seven escapes from the facility at some point to go search for their brother, as they felt extremely guilty for abandoning him. As Golfball was anywhere to be found in the pit of rejected prototypes, Seven goes to search for him outside of the Facility.

I was thinking that eventually Oganesson finds a way to fix Golfball or something, cuz- it would’ve been kinda cruel to keep him baby forever- so ye sorry for wasting your time with my brain being completely high aksksmd
