#nerdy fic



Happy (late) birthday @quickspinner! Soooo you asked for the “surprise kiss because the other couldn’t stop thinking about it” prompt for my kiss asks and as soon as I posted your answer I had this idea and regretted not writing this instead so you get an extra kiss! Hope you had a happy birthday!

Marinette adjusted Luka’s Kitty Section mask for him while the band was on a water break. The sturdy strip of elastic she’d initially put on had broken at some point and in typical Couffaine fashion he’d threaded a piece of string through two holes on the side. And as that string broke, he’d been tying it back together with a mess of knots. Now, no matter how she wiggled it, one eyehole still sagged near his cheek while the other was in the right place.

She tsked and pulled it up over his head, ruffling his hair in the process which sent off a small scatter of sweat.

“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, even though he had the audacity to grin. “I didn’t know how else to fix it.”

“You could’ve called me.” She set the mask on her lap and reached for her scissors to snip the string neatly so she could pull it out.

“That’s why you’re here now, isn’t it?”

She glanced up and found him still sporting his pirate grin. As a blush crept up her cheeks, she forced her eyes back down to her work.

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