#netflix the witcher


On Netflix Calanthe

Dear creators of the Netflix Witcher, do you think you are being very feminist turning canon Calanthe into your twisted version? Do you think it’s the violence, the dislike for dresses and refined music, the sword that makes her strong, worthy of a title of the Lioness?

Feminism is not about women being able to be just like men. Feminism is about women being able to be anything. It is also about not labelling feminine as weak and masculine as strong.

The point is, your Calanthe is okay per se; as a female character she can be whatever she is. But considering the book version, the original version, she holds a message: ‘It’s politeness, being neat and non-violent that makes a person weak’. But the book Calanthe is oh so strong and she deserves her title entirely without being pointedly masculine.

Respect all women, not just those who recognise masculinity as supreme.

I’ve cried two times while watching The witcher Nightmare of the wolf on Netflix….

Recently I started witcher3 second run so I should go to see Vesemir and breathing in chilling air till satisfy at Kaer morhen.
