#new leaf


Happy birthday Biskit! 

This lazy dog gets his name from the biscuit - a common word for dog treats! He has the play hobby and he loves to run around enjoying his day! He’s skilled at hitting snooze, and one day he plans to be an Architect! He loves mochas with two milk and sugar, and his favorite songs are KK Mambo and KK Hop! Wish him a funky friday the 13th birthday, dawg!

Happy birthday Ellie!

This normal elephant gets her name from her species - the ELLIE-phant! She has the nature hobby and she loves relaxing amidst flowers and trees. She is skilled at calculating tips (and she always tips at least 20%) and one day she wants to be a dentist! She loves mochas with two milk and sugar, and her favorite songs are KK Soul and KK Ballad! Wish her an absolutely fantastic birthday, li’l one! 

Happy birthday Cherry!

This uchi dog is named for her cherry-red fur, and she’s known for being the ultimate goth friend! She has the music hobby and she loves to sing and dance with her favorite tunes! She’s skilled at waking up early, and one day she plans to be a dancer! She loves mochas with two milk and sugar, and her favorite songs are KK House and KK D&B! Wish her a barking good birthday, what what! 


A gay and trans KING, this bug-loving chameleon replaces his dad Nat as the head of the Bug-Off! Flick is also an artist who visits the island in his free time to collect gorgeous models to inspire his work, which he will then generously allow us to commission off of him! Like his boyfriend CJ, he sports their business logo, his on the back of his jacket, and CJ on his cap! The two are close “roommates” who just so happen to only have one bed and one bedroom, who do everything together, speak highly of each other, and go on coffee dates together constantly (along with sharing a vacation home in 99.9% of islands I’ve visited). So if he arrives today, wish him a very happy birthday, and gift him a whole swarm of bugs! 

Happy birthday Patty! 

This peppy cow likely gets her name from “beef patty” - a name for a hamburger without the bun or toppings! She has the fashion hobby and she loves shopping for new furniture to deck out her house! She’s skilled at competitive eating, and one day she wants to be a popstar pastry chef, the Gordon Ramsay of pastry! She loves Kilimanjaro coffee with an average amount of milk and sugar, and her favorite songs are KK Ska and KK Polka! Wish her a very delightful birthday, How Now! 

Happy birthday Bunnie!

This peppy rabbit gets her name from her species - the bunny rabbit! She has the fashion hobby and she is always looking for new clothes to add to her collection! She’s skilled at staying positive, and one day wants to be a popstar gymnast! She loves blue mountain coffee with tons of milk and sugar, and her favorite songs are Forest Life and KK Stroll! 

Happy birthday Curlos!

This smug sheep villager gets his name from “curl” due to his curly wool, and the name Carlos, hence his Bolivian-flag themed shirt! He has the nature hobby and can often be found resting his elegant behind under some trees! He’s skilled at calculating tips, and one day he plans to be an actor! He loves Kilimanjaro coffee drowning in milk and sugar, and his favorite songs are KK Salsa and KK Sonata! Wish him a very delightful birthday, shearly! 
