#new umbrella term


Occurrigender/Occurregenderis an umbrella term for genders related to occurrences, events, experiences, etc.

Festivusgenderis an umbrella term for genders related to holidays in some way, including holiday-related aesthetics, holiday traditions/customs, etc.

Comfortigenderis an umbrella term for all genders related to comfort, coziness, comfiness, etc. in some way. This can include things like genders being those things, genders related to being those things, genders related to aesthetics related to those things, etc., etc.


Simigender/Likegender is an umbrella term for genders that are similar to or like certain things, concepts, etc.


Belivigender is an umbrella term for genders related to things like thoughts, beliefs, theories, headcannons, etc.

Dreamiagenderis an umbrella term for any gender related to dreams or nightmares in some way

Locatiogender is an umbrella term for genders related to one or more places. This can be specifics like a certain city, country, or library, something relatively more specific like coffeeshops in general, or anything else like that

Subcultigender is an umbrella term for genders related to different cultures and communities that aren’t based in/on race or a certain location. This includes things like emo, punk, goth, alternative, etc.

Intangigenderis an umbrella term for genders related to non-physical/intangible things that don’t quite count as concepts. This can be things like drives, certain communities/subcultures, etc.

Visuagender is an umbrella term for genders related to one or more visual qualities of something. Somewhat of a counterpart to Visicgender

Estekgender is an umbrella term for genders related to being something in the context of hobbies, jobs, titles, etc. though not identity. This includes things like being an artist, a skater, a filmmaker, a prince, etc.

The name comes from the Zazaki word for “the state or fact of existence”, estek


Feeligender is an umbrella term for genders related to non-emotion and non-tactile feelings in some way. This includes things like comfort/being comfortable, tiredness, distaste, etc.
