#newborn or not




if a hand kiss isn’t done with either reverent trembling and closed eyes or with a certain slow sensuality and direct ‘fuck me’ eye contact, you are wasting my time and everyone else’s

While I am a fan of both of these kinds, I feel like limiting all available variety of hand kisses to only these two is missing quite a lot. 

For instance: 

- “I was just holding your hand to convey sincerity and you said something I don’t have an immediate answer to, so I’m going to kiss your hand instead.” 

- “you’re only semi-lucid and are sort of reaching for my face and for various reasons I shouldn’t kiss YOUR face, but your hand is right here and I still need to convey affection”

- “your hand is the only part of you with only minor injuries and the doctor [healer, whatever] is right there and will get mad at me if I move you”

- “you were going to play-hit me but I’m actually much faster in the reflexes than you and also my catching your hand and kissing it is part of our game”

- “you just touched my face so your palm is right there” 

- “I’m extremely happy about something and this felt like the best spontaneous action, what am I, an expert on motivations?” 

- “this is YOUR hand, so it is particularly delightful to me” 

- “we were cuddling and holding hands and I felt like it” 

- “I was just struck by the overwhelming delight I feel at your existence and your hand was the most conveniently positioned thing to kiss in response to this thought process”

 … .to name but a few. 
