#newsies soulmate au


Warnings: homophobia, internalized homophobia, implied smut

Summary: Spot never understood why the universe hated him, and he made sure to keep his soulmate a secret.


Babies were always born with their soulmate’s name on their wrist, staying faint until they hit puberty when it finally started to get darker. Spot was lucky to have the name so faint for many years, but the second it had become eligible his father didn’t want to have anything to do with it. His parents became hostile toward him, putting him down for something that he didn’t have any control over. He’d learned to despise the name, Anthony Higgins. He couldn’t help but feel hatred toward his soulmate because of the problems it had caused him ever since it’d appeared. 

Months after Anthony’s name appeared on Spot’s wrist his father would throw slurs at him, telling him that it was wrong. Sometimes he’d forget, almost acting civil toward Spot until he caught the name in the corner of his eye. Spot couldn’t remember the amount of times he got lectured about the name from his father. His mother had been different, showing her support whenever his father wasn’t around, but that was no use. Spot had always looked up to his father ever since he could remember, and to not have his support put Spot in a bad pace with the situation that he was now in.

Years after the mark appeared Spot started to admire it in secret, feeling ashamed of himself for even wondering who Anthony may be. Everyday Spot found different ways to hide the name on his wrist, whether it was wearing long sleeves, bracelets, or even make up. Spot was adamant about telling all of his friends that he didn’t have a soulmate, always ignoring and avoiding the topic anytime it came up. It hadn’t been until Spot had started to fall for his best friend that he was a bit more okay with the name on his wrist. He thought if he could have a crush on someone, surely there could be mistakes with the name that would appear on someone’s wrist.

“Spot, are you listening?” Race asked from across the lunch table making Spot snap out of his thoughts. He looked over at Race with a questioning look, and Race scooted closer. “Can I come over today? My parents are going at it again. Maybe we can play games like we used to?” Race asked, a small smile forming on his face at the thought.

Spot tried to ignore the butterflies he got in his stomach when he’d seen Race’s smile, only giving him a shy nod and a small yes. He’d stopped inviting Race over as soon as he realized he’d had a crush on him, only having him come over when he suggested it himself and it had felt like years since he’d gone over. Spot could feel the blush forming once he’d remembered the amount of nights he spent secretly masturbating in his room and Race’s name slipped from his lips.

Race followed Spot after school to his car, climbing into the passenger side, and the rest of the ride was quiet, the only noise that filled the car was the radio. Spot couldn’t get the thoughts out of his head no matter how hard he tried to push them away. It didn’t help when Race would start quietly humming along and reaching over to playfully punch him and make his heart flutter. It was like a breath of fresh air once he parked the car and got out, putting some distance between him and Race

“Race! You haven’t been over in a while how have you been?” Spot’s mom asked as soon as they both walked in, stopping them dead in their tracks.

“Mrs. Conlon, I’ve been good, I hope you’ve been the same.” Race gave her a polite smile before getting dragged away by Spot. They threw their backpacks to the side, plopping down on Spot’s bed, grabbing controllers to play. They did quietly for about an hour before Spot’s mom knocked on the door and they had to pause it.

“Sean I’m going to work, I left money on the counter if you boys wanted to buy pizza for dinner.” Spot’s mom peeked her head around the corner of the door smiling at both of them. “Stay as long as you’d like Race, I’m sure Sean wouldn’t mind giving you a ride to school tomorrow if you stay over.” She explained and Race nodded slowly, trying to process the name he’d just heard.

Race knew Spot’s last name was Conlon, and he knew that so many other people were out there with the same last name. He also knew Spot didn’t have a soulmate, or that’s what he’d told everybody. Race also knew the name on his wrist, said Sean Conlon, and that he’d had the biggest crush on his best friend ever since they’d met. He knew Spot wouldn’t have ever lied to him about having a soulmate… but there was something in him that was telling him otherwise. He did recall just how horrible Spot’s father was toward him, and he just never knew why, figuring it must’ve just been the way he’d decided to raise Spot. 

It all seemed to click for Race in that moment. Why Spot never let anyone see his wrist. Why Spot always denied having a soulmate. Or the fact that anytime anyone mentioned him getting a girlfriend he’d get uncomfortable and defensive about not needing anybody. It made even more sense once Race wrapped his head around just how Spot had been acting around him. Spending less time with each other. Only talking during lunch when their friends were around. Race couldn’t help but hope he was right, but he wouldn’t know until he asked.

“Your name’s Sean?” Race asked, making Spot shrug.

“Yeah why?” He looked at Race, his eyebrows knit together.

“And… you don’t have a soulmate?” Race asked again, making Spot sigh in frustration.

“No, I don’t.” Spot replied defensively. 

“So you wouldn’t mind showing me your wrist then?” Race asked, reaching for Spot’s arm that had always stayed covered.

“It’s none of your business what’s on my wrist Higgins.” Spot clenched his jaw, pulling his arm away.

“It’s not a big deal, everyone has it. What? They have a funny name or something?” Race asked, getting closer.

“I don’t have one!” Spot exclaimed and Race finally blurted it out.

“Anthony! My name’s Anthony.” Race explained quickly, watching as Spot froze and looked at him in shock. “Now, can I see your wrist. Please.” Race almost begged, but Spot wasn’t going to break that easily. Not now, not when all the years of lectures and dirty remarks and looks from his father were taking over any other thought he had.

“I’m not gay.” Spot managed to get out once he realized he hadn’t said anything. 

“Then just show me. Really, it’s not a big deal.” Race explained scooting even closer.

“Race really, I’m not.” Spot almost begged. Begging for it to be a dream, begging for it to all somehow be a mistake, almost begging as though he was trying to convince no one but himself.

“That’s it.” Race muttered, lunging forward and pinning Spot to his bed. Spot was shocked for a second, but recovered and started fighting back against Race, both boys rolling around and trying to be the one on top. It was no use once Race tangled his legs with Spot’s. Being taller than him finally had his advantages and Spot laid there helplessly while Race rolled up his long sleeve and saw his name across Spot’s wrist. “You’ve been hiding from me Conlon.” Race whispered with a smirk, looking back at the boy, both of them staying quiet once they’d realized the position they were in.

Race leaned down, Spot’s eyes fluttering closed almost instantly, both of their lips meeting in the middle. Race smiled into the kiss, his fingers interlacing with Spot’s, his legs untangling and stradling Spot’s waist instead. As much as Spot tried to stop himself, he kissed back and his entire body felt warm and tingly. Part of him wanted to pull Race closer, run his fingers through his hair and pull at it to hear anything he could get from the boy above him, but that was when he’d finally realized just what they were doing.

“No.” Spot breathed out, pushing Race away from him, sitting up. “We shouldn’t, it’s wrong.” Spot explained, but his eyes said otherwise, looking down at Race’s lips before looking back up at his eyes.

“If it’s wrong then I don’t want to be right.” Race whispered, holding Spot’s face in his hands pulling him in for a passionate kiss. A small moan left Spot, his hands holding onto Race’s shirt tightly, his mind racing with emotions. He wasn’t sure if he should allow himself to feel this way, the years of denial and shame hitting him all at once, but the whole feeling he got when Race’s lips were against his made the feelings get pushed to the back of his mind.

Spot finally gave in, letting the feeling consume him. He wrapped his arms around Race’s neck, pulling him closer. All too soon they pulled apart, both of them panting trying to catch their breaths. Before Spot could process the kiss, Race’s lips were already kissing his jaw and making their way down his neck.

“Race.” Spot let out a small moan when Race started nipping at his neck. “Y-you can’t leave a mark. My dad will kill me.” Spot whimpered out when Race kissed his sweet spot.

“Then I’ll just have to do it somewhere that you can hide.” Race explained, grabbing Spot’s arm and started to leave soft kisses and sucked at the skin around his name on Spot’s wrist making a deep blush form on Spot’s face while he watched Race’s every move. “It’ll be our little secret.” Race whispered with a wink, pulling Spot in for another kiss.


Tag List:  @mathletemadison@hats-or-badges@theatrequeer@snakeyboimusical@mariah-vg@briefexpertgladiator@the-moon-looks-old-and-gray@neko-kaiyo
