#nhb battle


Jace’s Lethal Thighs

Jace’s Lethal Thighs

Jace is a true leg wrestler, ensnaring his opponent in his legs and applying a tight grip to squeeze out a submission, sometimes combined with a choke or full nelson. His victim doesn’t have a chance.
(NHB Battle – Wanna Wrestle 1, Jace Davis vs. Cosmo Jordan)


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Check out the @MovimusWrestle free match of the month for May.

Apologies for the lapse in posting here. Things have been busy but I’m trying to get back on track!

Movimus Wrestling has a generous tradition of offering one of their videos to view for free for one month. They’ve just posted May’s free match, which was originally released by the predecessor company, NHB Battle, on its tape Battling Bodies 52. It may be an oldie, but it’s a goodie!

In this…

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