#niall horan blurb


Requested by anonymous: “I wrote a song about you.” With Niall Horan & “you wrote me a song?” with Niall Horan

A/N: based on Just Friends by Virginia to Vegas.

Pairing: Y/N & Niall Horan

Words: 656

Warning(s): mentions of drinking

It was one of those crazy days, you and Niall went to a lunch with a couple of friends and ended up in a bar. It’s safe to say that at this point you are wasted, you drank so much, because you could (you don’t always need a reason). The clock on Niall’s phone showed you that it was only 3pm but you both decided to go home. Neither of you could drive so a taxi was the safer option. All day you’ve been getting this weird vibe from Niall. You weren’t friends like friends are supposed to be, you always flirted with each other, so much so that if the other tried to score, they could never because everyone thought they were dating.

“You know, Niall”, you slur as you lean on his side and point at him.

“Hmm. What?” He said tried to focus on your face, with it so close to his.

“I would really like to kiss you.” And you drag your fingers across his lips.

“So why don’t you?”

“We shouldn’t, we’re just friend, right?” Niall just nodded not saying another word. You both ended up at your place, but Niall left soon after putting you to bed. You were too drunk to realize that his mood was down after you suggested kissing each other.

Niall didn’t text you for two days, which was the longest you two had ever gone without texting. You were worried about him, you have tried to call him but no answer. You talked to your mutual friends but no one had heard from him. On day three you finally heard something from him. A text with the words: come to the studio- N. That was all he gave away. You got there as fast as you could.

“Hi, I’m here”, you say as you enter his studio room.

“Hi, I wrote a song about you”, he says rushing his words.

“You wrote a song about me?”

“Well… yeah about us. Just, uhm- just sit here and listen. Don’t speak unless the song is over.” He hands you a headset as you just nod staring at him. He looked so different from the last time you saw him and it had only been three days. Has he eaten? Showered? He hasn’t shaved that’s for sure, he didn’t look good.

“Maybe we could go get lost tonight. At least we know that we gave it a try. So why don’t we go out and get a drink in the West end? One more dance, are you feeling the tension? Take a couple shots and see where the night ends. Stop pretending like we’re just friends.” This is about the lunch you two had with friends, he felt it too. He had actually wanted to kiss you in the back of the taxi.

“Tomorrow when its over, and we’re sober. I just wanna believe that you’ll miss me, but I shouldn’t cause we’re just friends. Maybe we could go get lost tonight, at least we know that we gave it a try. Stop pretending like we’re just friends.” As the song comes to an end, you slowly turn your body to face Niall who was facing around the room, nervously biting his fingernails.

“Do you mean it?” you ask him as you take off the headphones.

“Well… yeah, I wrote a song about it, didn’t I?” he laughs still nervous.

“Are you- do you-…” you swallow, “Do you really want to give us a try?” He nods so fast, you think his head might fall off. “So can I kiss you like I wanted to in the taxi?” Again, he nods. You grab his face in both your hands and kiss him.

“Do you want to go on a date now? Get lost tonight?” He asks, this time it’s your turn to nod.

“But maybe you should shower first?” you laugh.

“Yeah, pick you up at four?”

Buy me coffee?

Requested: by anonymous “I was thinking… since you’re pregnant and all, would you marry me?”

A/N: I hope I did it justice!

Pairing: Y/N & Niall Horan

Words: 1k

Warning(s): mentions of drinking, pregnancy

You were out with your friends, one of them mentioned an open mic night and you all wanted to go. You enjoyed watching smaller artists make music, it felt less Hollywood made and more authentic. It must have been the fifteenth time that you went to these kinds of nights, but you had never seen him before. He had a guitar with him, and he looked so interesting. It looked like he belonged there, but something about him was off. When he got on stage and he introduced himself, you figured it out. He was the artist your cousin listens to all the time, and the one they wouldn’t shut up about. You watched him perform and you understood why, he was amazing. From the way he owned the stage to the little hint of his accent during the songs, you fell hard. This had never happened to you, usually you wouldn’t fall head over heels with a guy you don’t even know.

When he got off stage, you made your way towards him. You honestly couldn’t care less about losing your friends and making a complete fool of yourself.

“Hi, I’m Y/N. I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your performance”, you start as you approach him.

“Hi, I’m Niall… but you already knew that because I just introduced myself. Uhm, thank you. I really enjoy performing”, he stopped for a second, a blush forming on his cheeks. It was either the beer he had been tanking or your appearance. “Will you be performing later as well?”

“Oh no, I’m just here to watch, drink and enjoy.” You smile, your eyes slowly scanning his body before meeting his eyes. He bit his lip before asking you if he could buy you a drink. That night ended with the both of you at your front door while you were looking for your keys, he couldn’t keep his hands off. Kissing your neck, his hands on your arms and your waist.

“Do you, uhm, do you want to come inside?” It was stupid of you to ask, because you could already feel his answer on your back. From that night on you made a deal. Whenever you would see each other and you couldn’t score other people, you would go home with each other. It was a great deal, that was until you realized that your feelings had grown. You wanted to be official, but you didn’t want to slow him down. Career wise he was doing amazing, you couldn’t tie him down when he would be touring the world, doing God-knows-what with God-knows-who. No, it would be better to break it off and that is exactly what you did the night before he went on tour.

“No, you don’t understand. I’m saying that we should quit this while we’re ahead.” He had left with his head down, you knew he was crying because you were doing the same. Even though it was for the best it felt like the worst thing in the world.

A few weeks had passed and you fell ill. Not the stay in bed all day kind of ill, more like only throwing up in the mornings. That’s when you realized that you could be pregnant. You bought almost every test there was, you called your friends and you peed and waited. Three came out positive, but you weren’t sure so you made an appointment with your doctor. Not long after you had entered the room, she congratulated you with your pregnancy. You had cried yourself to sleep that night, not because you were sad that you were pregnant, but because you were heartbroken. The baby was Niall’s there was no doubt about that, but how could you tell him? Over text? Leave him a voicemail? Nothing seemed like the best idea so you left it.

After four months you heard through friends that Niall was back in town. You hadn’t seen him anywhere, you weren’t avoiding him but since you didn’t visit bars anymore (the smell made you sick), you hadn’t ran into him. That was until you discovered that you were out of rice cakes. This was not the weirdest craving you had, but it sure was one of them. You ran into him at the store, you didn’t expect him to be there, but he was. He hadn’t recognized you and you turned around quickly until..

“Y/N? Is that you?” His voice sounded so sweet. You turned around and you saw his eyes widen. “Oh my God, are you- since when?”

“I’m almost five months now. I didn’t know you were back in town”, you lied, trying to change the topic of your conversation.

“Yeah, I was looking for you actually. I went to your house a few times but you never answered the door. Is it mine?” Mission failed. You slowly nodded your head.

“Why, uhm, why were you looking for me?”

“About five months ago I made a mistake.” You felt like your heart had dropped out of your ass. “No, no, not that!” he said as soon as he saw the mortified look on your face. “The fact that I walked away without actually fighting for us. I really like you, hell I love you.”

“I really love you too, Niall.”

“I was thinking… since you’re pregnant and all, would you marry me?”

“How about a date first?” You giggle.

“Yeah, I can do that!”

Buy me coffee

Requested: yes by @katyhoran02

A/N: Based on the song “Maybe don’t ” by JP Saxe and Maisie Peters. It’s the second part to this one (read this first if you haven’t otherwise it won’t make sense).

Pairing: reader & Niall Horan

Words: 809


After the night where your friends had dragged you out of the club, you spend most days in your bed. You ignored all the calls and texts you got from anyone. You followed your school courses online and devoted all your time to your homework. Since Niall knows where you work, you called in and took all your sick and holiday days. You hadn’t taken them since you started working, so you had a lot of time off. It’s kind of stupid you admit, but in all seriousness you really liked him, and he broke your heart. Well you still like him, heck maybe you even lo- anyway it comes down to a broken heart even if you weren’t officially together. At first when you met him, he seemed so perfect, and you remember how you wished he was a little less perfect, so you could end things more easily and not end up hurt… boy, how wrong that went.

One day you get a call, you are so caught up in your school project that you forget to check the caller-id.
“Please, don’t hang up”, is the first thing you hear. Your heart drops to your stomach, you forget how to breath and almost throw your phone across the room. “I know that you don’t want to hear from me, but please let me explain.” You don’t want him to talk, you don’t want him to explain, you don’t- It’s safe to say that you really like Niall and lately the feeling has only been getting worse. You’ve run through every outcome in your head and in every one of them you end up hurt. So you don’t want to speak to or with him ever again.
“I just want to say that I am so very sorry for what happened that night. I want to say that she came on to me and that it wasn’t my fault… but it was. I created the environment in which she thought that she could come onto me and kiss me, and I am sorry for that. I am also sorry for acting the way that I did…. I-”
“I’m sorry Niall. I should hang up”,  you interrupt him.
“Maybe don’t?! Listen to me, please.” He sounds so desperate, and you almost feel sorry for the way you are acting towards him.
“I think I should go. You were the thing that I want the most, and now I just want to get away from you”, you confess quietly. Your throat starts to swell, meaning that you are going to cry soon, and you don’t want to sob while Niall is doing whatever on the other side of the phone.
“I get that’s what you want to do but please, don’t. Look, y/n, I haven’t been able to fall asleep unless you say goodnight. I know that I’ve been making group decisions about us with us. And for that I am sorry.”
“I just don’t want to hurt you or have you hurt me. This is just a heads-up, I mess people’s heads up. But only because I am scared of losing mine. I am hopelessly falling in love with you, Niall. And I am so scared of this feeling. You were so perfect, and I wanted you to be less honest and tick a couple less boxes, just so I could sabotage this and feel good about myself. And not get hurt…” you sniff.
“No, what. I made you cry?! That’s the last thing I wanted to do. Y/n, please I am so sorry for what happened, and I wanted to contact you sooner, but you never picked up your phone. I stopped by your workplace to ask how you were doing, but your boss told me that you took up all your sick days… I have been standing outside your flat in the hope that you would come downstairs, because I love you, y/n. I don’t want to lose you, you are so perfect for me and I have been the biggest asshole in the world”, he confesses. He… he loves you?
“You love me?”
“Yeah, I do. I am hopelessly devoted”, he quotes you favourite film. You can feel him grin through the phone. You don’t hang up the phone but slowly make your way downstairs, in the hope that he didn’t lie and is actually standing outside your flat building. “Hello, y/n. Are you there?” he nervously giggles.
“Yeah, I’m here. Hold on.” You rush down the stairs and open the door to the outside world that you haven’t visited in two weeks. You see him standing on the pavement with his back towards you. You run towards him and wrap your arms around his waist. He jumps a bit at the foreign contact but quickly turns around to face you.
“I love you too.”

Requested: no

A/N: Based on the song “John Hughes movie” by Maisie Peters.

Pairing: reader & Niall Horan

Words: 854

Warning(s): angst (maybe idk)

School and work came first and for the last two months you had been juggling both. So when your friends invited you on a night out, you immediately said yes. You hadn’t seen your friends in such a long time and a night out felt like it was all you needed.

You had agreed to meet each other there, so you did and lined with them. It already felt so relaxing seeing your girls again. It doesn’t take long before you get to show your ID to the doorman. Once you are inside, you make a bee-line for the bar.
“What are we drinking tonight girls?” One of your friends asks. Before you can even open your mouth another one of your friends suggests just ordering a vodka Coke for everybody. You were actually more of a gin and lemonade girl, but a drink is a drink, so you kept your mouth shut. Once all of you had your drinks, you find a table to drop all your stuff at. You emptied the pockets of your coats before hanging it. You felt like just leaving it at the table wasn’t safe, and it was one of the tricks you had to take home a guy.

Everything about this night felt great, you got to catch up with your friends, have a drink and have fun. You met some new people who were recommending drinks and danced with you guys. It was amazing. During one of these dances you had found yourself in the middle of the dance floor underneath the tacky disco ball. This entire night felt so much like a 90s film, the only thing you were missing was a guy to fall in love with. As if a higher power had heard your “prayer” you felt two arms wrapping around your body. Your eyes widen but go back to normal once you see your friends giving you big smiles and two thumbs up. You turn around to face the guy, and he is handsome. It couldn’t be more film like. After half an hour of dancing and fifteen minutes of snogging the guy, you decided to pull you move. Your friends had already left, leaving you to go home with the guy whose name you still hadn’t caught.
You make your way towards the coat hangers, grab yours, and he will follow you out if he is really interested. Then you would act all surprised, and you would go home together. Sadly, he doesn’t, and you end up going home alone.

Not even a week later you see him again at a coffee shop. He quickly realised who you were and gave you his number. You talked for a bit, and he apologised for that night. He said he lost you in the crowd and that he regretted not giving you his number sooner. He has to leave for work, but he promised to text you if you text him, giving him your number.
Just checking :)” you text him. You end up texting him for three days before he asks you on a date.
Weeks go by and you and the guy, whose name turned out to be Niall, go on multiple dates. You weren’t official, but it finally felt as if the relationship was going somewhere. You hadn’t slept together, just kissed, but you wanted to with him. He really felt like the one, however cliché that may sound.
A few nights later, Saturday night, you are both your friend groups went out.
You danced with Niall and your friends and after an hour you headed towards the bar to buy more drinks. Upon your return to the table you find Niall making out with somebody else. You instantly drop the drinks on the table and run towards the bathrooms.

“Oh y/n. Are you okay?” one of your friends asks.
“Are you crying?” another one asks.
“No, I’m not crying. There’s just smoke in my eyes.” You already know, your friends are not going to fall for that.
“Oh honey.” They pull you into a big group hug.
“What am I gonna say? What am I gonna do? I really thought he liked me too.”
“Darling, if he doesn’t want you. Well for one, he is blind and second, he’s not the one.”
“It just felt so real, like he was the one you know?” Your friends nod.
“What a movie scene, are they gonna play a heartbreak song or what?” one of them tries to lighten the mood.
“Maybe if I’d be honest with him from the start then I wouldn’t be here crying in some dingy-ass bathroom over some guy who obviously doesn’t feel the same.” You and your friends leave the bathroom after triple checking your make-up. You all had decided that it would be best if you all went home and never return to this bar again. As you walk to the door, you turn your head and see Niall making out with yet another girl.
“Oh my God! Honestly, what is with this guy?!” One of your friend shrieks as they pull you towards the door, away from the scene.
