

As if anyone who’s looked at my archive didn’t already know. I think I’m going to try to make a concerted effort at slowly catching up on anime, but to do that I’m going to cut out making gifs/caps/renders while I do it. I don’t know if I’ll be back, but I also don’t want to delete this blog because as stupid as it sounds I feel kinda proud of some of the stuff I’ve made.

See you guys later.

Normally this shit doesn’t hit me that hard, but the KyoAni arson is hitting me hard. I literally watched the Hibike movie last week and was reminded of just how much amazing work gets done from the studio - the fantastic music, amazing characters, and beautiful art that has come from the studio’s massive catalogue is nothing short of unbelieveable. I know they’ll get back on their feet, recover, and the studio, the industry, and the world will be a better place for it. #PrayforKyoAni

Watched Hibike Euphonium’s Oath Finale film two days ago and it only reminded me how incredible the series and its characters are. Fantastic growth of newly-introduced characters coupled with the best Kumiko has ever been (I can’t emphasize this enough - Kumiko Oumae is one of the best characters I’ve ever seen. I love her so much). I can only hope we get more, because I want to be a part of this world for so, so much longer.

Just got tickets to the final Hibike! Euphonium movie as it’s actually playing near me, and if the character writing is anything like Liz and the Blue Bird, this will be an amazing finale to an amazing series.

I know the new Strike Witches is just a relaxed slice of life spin-off manga so it has minimal investment, but HOO BOY does it not look good.
