#nick urankar

Before I forget, here’s some headshrinking pics that I tried to make. Some are okay…

Before I forget, here’s some headshrinking pics that I tried to make. Some are okay…

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Here is a story that I wrote for @transformee​ as part of the TF Secret Santa story exchange as organized by @thegreatstoryteller​. It was really fun writing this and I hope you like it! Happy Holidays!

Prompt: Shrunk/abducted by then forcibly transformed into CrossFit DILF

Adam was approaching his forties, and with his job as an engineer, he wasn’t particularly in the best shape of his life. By no means was he unhealthy, he just longed to have the body that he did back in his college days. He still had a slender torso, but frowned at the sight of his forming love-handles and missed the sight of his chiseled six pack that he used to have. He went from being a cut jock to having a dad bod. Therefore, one day when he was leaving his office and passed the gym a couple doors down, he felt like it couldn’t hurt asking about their membership deals. It eventually led to him signing up.

The owner, a hunk named Nick Urankar, was an incredibly sexy man who was the epitome of eye candy. His hair was always trimmed and styled, his beard looking stylized and contouring to his jawline. He tended to wear the tightest shorts that showcased his delicious bubblebutt and had the straps of his jockstrap pressed obviously against them. His shorts also did nothing to hide his large bulge that was showcased in the front of him. Adam’s favorite part about Nick was that the fitness instructor tended to workout shirtless, opting to keep his perfectly sculpted abs that were cut so deeply and his pecs that were expertly formed with the upmost care on full display for the gymgoers to admire. Nick was a hunk and he knew it, and he absolutely used it to secure clients at his gym. Although he was straight, the gym owner wasn’t above showing off here and there.

Adam had taken the bait immediately when he’d first met Nick, drooling over his massive and proportional muscles that were perpetually on display. As he’d signed the membership contract, he was so caught up in how the A/C blasting through the vents had made Nick’s nipples hard and perky that he hadn’t read any of the stipulations outlined in the contract.

That later proved to be an issue when Adam, despite spending a few months at the gym and carefully regulating his diet, wasn’t seeing any real changes to his physique. Therefore, he figured that it would be a smart financial move to cancel his membership.

“Hey, Adam,” Nick smiled warmly when the older man entered his office at the gym, “what can I do for you?” The stud took a seat behind his desk that was barely more than just a flat table top, allowing the other man to see his uninterrupted muscles. He was in the middle of mixing together what seemed to be some kind of protein shake. It must’ve been quite the concoction given the array of glass containers that were filled with colorful powders that lined the edge of the desk.

“Well,” Adam muttered, scratching the back of his neck nervously, “I actually need to talk to you about canceling my membership.” He could feel himself blush a little at the awkward topic, not wanting to land on the hot man’s bad side.

Nick pursed his stubble-framed lips for a moment and crossed his arms in front of his bare chest, making his meaty pecs flex with the motion. “I see,” he mused.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Adam mumbled, trying not to get lost in the sight of the other man’s mouth-watering muscles, “it’s just that I haven’t really made any real progress and—”

“If that’s the only problem, then I can personally help you with that,” Nick interrupted. “I mean, as you may or may not know, I am a CrossFit professional.” To illustrate his point, the hunk stood up and held his muscled arms out to show off his impressive body.

Adam had to wipe away the lustful look from his face. “S-sorry,” he stuttered, “but my mind’s made up.”

The CrossFit enthusiast nodded silently for a moment before sighing, his broad shoulders rising and falling with power at the movement. “Well, I suppose you have to do what’s best for you,” he relented, keeping his lips pursed in a fine line for a moment. He perked up the slightest bit, a gleam in his eyes. “Tell you what, why don’t you at least give my protein shake a try and leave a review? You do that, and there won’t be a cancellation fee.” The hunk gestured at the mixer that was on the desk.

Adam shrugged his thinner shoulders, figuring that he’d be foolish to pass up such a great deal.  He walked over to the desk and grabbed the mixer, giving it a little swish before taking a sip of the sweet mixture inside. It had a smooth sweetness that wasn’t overbearing and that left a pleasant aftertaste.

The older man was about to comment on how good he thought the shake was when he felt a tingling sensation rapidly spread across his body, starting from his lips and dispersing outwards. The paresthesia grew in fervor until it consumed the man’s entire body. At first he was fearful that he was having an allergic reaction to the protein shake, but he quickly learned that something else was afoot.

Had his shocked voice allowed him to, Adam would’ve cried out as he saw what looked like Nick’s office growing in size. However, the increasing looseness of his clothes let the panicked man know that he was actually shrinking. Whereas he was supposed to be eye-level with the hunk, he watched as Nick grew taller and taller, until he couldn’t see a thing as his clothes completely swallowed him.

Nick Urankar chuckled as he circled around the desk and easily picked up the small moving mass that was in the bundle of clothes on the office floor. With his thumb and forefinger, Nick easily picked up the shrunken Adam, holding him up high in his grasp.

The tiny and naked Adam couldn’t have been taller than five inches, and he flailed as he was stuck in Nick’s hold, shocked at what had happened to him. One moment he was his normal height at a respectable 6’1’’, and the next he’s smaller than a G.I. Joe action figure. His nude dad bod was entirely on display as he was helpless in the hunky man’s hold.

“What did you do to me?!” he demanded, bristling at how squeaky his voice was, sounding like a cartoon chipmunk’s. He struggled to free himself from the giant man’s grasp, but was helpless as he was carried back over towards the desk.

Nick placed the tiny man inside of a mason jar that was on the desk, bending down to smile as Adam beat against the glass sides of his container.

“Change me back!” Adam squeaked, trying to sound demanding and boisterous, but his helium-esque voice ruined it.

Nick mock-frowned. “Didn’t you read the fine print?” he teased. “Or were you too busy staring at these?” He flexed his massive arms, making his large biceps bulge like crazy in front of the shrunken man, the muscle mounds looking like large buildings from his perspective. “It says that I have the opportunity to help you achieve your dream body before you quit. And since you seemed to be so into mine…” Nick started to fiddle around with the other jars that were on his desk, the ones that contained colorful powders, mixing them together.

Adam struggled to comprehend what he’d just heard. Apparently he’d been too distracted by the gym owner’s sexy muscles to notice that he’d basically agreed to this. He looked around the giant-looking desk in horror as his hands were flat against the glass of the mason jar. If Nick was able to shrink him down and trap him, what else could he do with that powder?

Panic and adrenaline coursed through the shrunken man’s veins and he beat wildly against the glass of the jar. He shoved all of his weight against it, managing to tip it over onto its side, allowing him to tumble onto the desk.

“Fuck!” Nick hissed, the clattering glass being knocked over startling him, causing him to instinctually jerk back. His muscled arm jostled up against a jar containing navy blue powder, accidentally knocking it down onto the floor. The glass shattered and a puff of blue surrounded the CrossFit stud.

As the cloud of blue began to dissipate, Adam’s eyes widened at the new stud who stood where Nick Urankar had been mere seconds ago.

This incredibly sexy version of Nick was solid with muscle that wasn’t nearly as cut as they had been. Instead, there was a thick layer of fat on top of it, looking like the stud wasn’t as dedicated to the dieting aspect of fitness, as was evident by the sizable gut he possessed. The shorts he wore were stretched to the limit, tears running up and down his large thighs as they split the seams of the fabric. His hairy bubblebutt peaked out the top, giving him a plumber’s crack, and his massive cock created a prominent bulge in the front. His pecs had more meat on them and they rested on his new gut, his nipples looking large and nubby as they poked out of a dense forest of chest hair. Nick was supposed to be smooth, but this new version of him had body hair that was thick and ever-present, coating every single bulging muscle he possessed. His beard was tinged with grays as was the hair atop his head, accentuating his maturity— the same with the sparse wrinkles along his face that didn’t make him look old, just more mature. This new Nick was an utter DILF.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” the altered Nick groaned in his deep, baritone voice. He examined his bulky, hairy muscle daddy body, running shaking hands over his hairy pecs. The action alerted him to their increased sensitivity, especially when his fingers brushed up against his nubby nipples, making his cock rip through his tattered shorts, lengthening out to an obscene ten inches.

At the sight of this, the gym owner blushed like crazy. He was used to showing off his physique in order to secure more members at his gym. However, looking like some musclebear, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to continue that trend. Even worse was how turned on he was. Despite playfully flirting for work, Nick hadn’t had a gay thought in his life. That was all out the window as he stared at his reflection in the mirror he kept on his office wall, unable to stop pursing his lips as he admired his new DILF form, thinking that he had the hottest muscletits he’d ever seen. He was so hyper-fixated on his pecs that it took the stud a moment to realize that his hands were still running over his warped form and he was swaying his hips, making his hard cock bob wildly. Worse was that even when he was made aware of his actions, he couldn’t bring himself to stop.

Adam was stunned even more. Sure shrinking down to the size of a McDonald’s toy was shocking in of itself, but staring at the slutty DILF Nick had turned into was so hot. “What happened?” he squeaked in his tiny voice, shielding his own hard cock from view.

“Isn’t it obvious?” the altered Nick groaned, wincing when one of his hands reached up to flick a protruding nipple. He was completely humiliated by his new body, but that was nothing in comparison to his uncontrollable actions. Sure he’d used his body to show off before, but he’d never done so in such a sexual and seductive manner. His heart was racing with a mixture of horror and excitement as he played with his nipples in front of the shrunken man, screaming at himself to stop. “I made a deal with one of the past owners of the gym who used to mess around with celestial arts, and he showed me how to change a person’s body and mind. I was gonna try to make you into a CrossFit stud, but I’d accidentally turned myself into a…”

“A slutty daddy,” Adam finished for the blushing man.

Nick shuddered and his cock unleashed strands of cum that shot up to his hairy chest. “Uugghhhh!” the humiliated man moaned loudly. He was left panting, his hairy pecs heaving as he caught his breath, unaware that he’d already started to flex his ass cheeks, showing off the inflated globes like the insatiable slut he now was.

Adam was incredibly turned on watching the spectacle before him. The new Nick was hotter than the former one, and he couldn’t help but imagine what the gym would be like now. Whereas Nick used to flex here and there for guys, what would his new slutty DILF version be like?

The daddy grunted and waddled over to the desk, snatching up the shrunken Adam in a hairy paw. “Well, I guess it can’t be helped,” he grunted. “But back to where we were.”

“Wait, Nick!” Adam cried in his silly voice as a spray of orange powder blew over him.

“Lookin’ good, Adam!” one of the regulars at Nick’s gym commented as the stud entered the building.

“Thanks, Bruh!” Adam cheerfully said as he popped his chiseled pecs, which were easily visible since he never wore a shirt anymore. His perfectly sculpted pecs and chiseled six pack were permanently on display and illustrated how dedicated to CrossFit the hunk now was. He lived and breathed CrossFit, being all that he was capable of thinking about.

The hunk sauntered through the gym, his head held high and his chest muscles puffed out as he headed towards one of the back rooms to lead a CrossFit course. As he walked, he checked himself out in the mirrored wall, loving how his bubblebutt always stretched his spandex shorts to the limit. He opted not to wear a jockstrap today, his already hardening cock pressed tightly against the front of his spandex.

A small voice in the back of his head told him that this was wrong. He wasn’t supposed to be a CrossFit instructor and he wasn’t supposed to be walking around the gym hard and wearing next to nothing. The stud chuckled and shook his head at the thought. Of course he was where he was supposed to be. He playfully flexed in the mirror to emphasize his point, loving how hot and muscular he was. All he knew was CrossFit and muscles, barely capable of focusing on anything else.

He glanced across the gym at the owner, Nick, who was naked as always, showing off his hairy, bulky muscles as he performed bicep curls. The older man was a specimen of masculine muscle, always showing off. Even now, although he was focusing on his biceps, his hips were swaying slightly, making his rock hard cock bob to and fro; and he would bounce his hairy pecs every so often. He was such a slut that Adam already knew that they two of them would fuck by the end of their gym session, something that happened after every workout. Nick’s slogan which helped to attract new members was that he would blow every new member, or he’d let them fuck his hairy bubblebutt after every session. It wasn’t uncommon for the DILF’s slutty moans to ring out over the gym floor as one guy fucked his bubblebutt and another sucked on his nubby nipples.

Nick caught him staring and winked at him over his broad shoulder, flexing his large ass too, blushing the smallest bit.

Adam winked back and entered the room where he led CrossFit, excited to see it full of sexy men who would get to gaze at his hard, rippling muscles, his cock leaking at the thought.
