#nicola tesla





i feel like elon musks’ company being named after tesla, an inventor and humanitarian whos ideas were stolen and accredited to a man (edison) who was notorious for stealing ideas and being a shitty capitalist who purposefully made it so more people would be without resources so he could be richer, is a bit backwards but shows the universe does at least have a sense of humor when it makes the evil guys

btw still going to die mad and be mad forever that tesla wanted to make electricity free and designed the means to do so bc he thought it was a human right to be part of technologic advance and edison was basically like “lol no” bc he couldnt make money off it. i would literally dig edison up again to piss on his corpse if i could

intense burning rage and violence for what they did to this man

 NephilimSamuel Clemens (Mark Twain) and Nicola Tesla at the latter’s laboratory.


Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)and Nicola Tesla at the latter’s laboratory.

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Original LanguageCrystal Infused | Activated Apparel******************************************Original LanguageCrystal Infused | Activated Apparel******************************************Original LanguageCrystal Infused | Activated Apparel******************************************Original LanguageCrystal Infused | Activated Apparel******************************************Original LanguageCrystal Infused | Activated Apparel******************************************Original LanguageCrystal Infused | Activated Apparel******************************************Original LanguageCrystal Infused | Activated Apparel******************************************Original LanguageCrystal Infused | Activated Apparel******************************************Original LanguageCrystal Infused | Activated Apparel******************************************Original LanguageCrystal Infused | Activated Apparel******************************************

Original Language

Crystal Infused | Activated Apparel
Original Language uses crushed minerals such as Rose Quartz,
Ruby, Moldavite, Tourmaline, etc, to infuse and activate the ink
which is then hand screened into Sacred Geometric designs onto
different clothing garmets. Representing consciousness in the
form of vibration, OL’s mission is to activate and raise the
vibration of the Planet through Crystal Infused Activated Apparel.
If you have not experienced OL yet check us out at the
Gem & Jam Feb. 7-9 in Tucson AZ during the worlds biggest
gem and mineral show… (Feb.2-17)… See you all there :)                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Here are some videos to check
out to see what OL is all about:

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