#nier analysis




Yesterday I had an interesting discussion with a friend of mine, @kaus-quietis (Lav) about Automata´s story. We began tossing back and forth ideas about 9S removing and attaching 2B´s hand having potential symbolic meaning. Lav came up with a lot of interesting ideas and I thought it would be fun to share some of them via this post. 

We both shared the opinion that likely one idea behind the transfer of 2B´s hand (besides practical reasons), is 9S making 2B a part of himself. By having a physical piece of 2B with him, 9S is with 2B forever. As Lav expressed it: 

it’s really making 2B a part of him, not only on an emotional/existential level, but also a clear physical one.

I think this is quite interesting remembering that 9S is a character, whose memory and personality have been wiped clean numerous times in the course of the story. As he had lost the experiences that molded him as a person, he would also lose the memories of 2B. Someone who he considers to be an important person. Now 9S has a piece of a person with him who he was terrified to forget. 


Next idea Lav came up with was that the arm is usually a symbol of power and justice. Lav found the idea of justice especially fitting within the context of the game. 9S seeks knowledge but in the course of the game he also seeks justice, justice for 2B. 9S is huting down A2, the killer of 2B, and tries to bring justice down by killing her killer.    

Arm according to Lav also means the ability to take action, and the ability to punish. The latter could link to the point about justice mentioned earlier. The ability to take action is also interesting. After 9S attaches the arm and stands up, he mutters to himself that he has to keep going, has to keep fighting. It`s like in a way getting the arm “gave” him strength, to keep going and ascend the Tower. 


Lav also came up with a idea really fascinating idea. There is an interesting bit  about it being the left arm specially. A quote from Lav from our yesterday´s discussion:

There’s also that thing about the left arm being somehow in a more direct connection to the heart. It plays a role in marriage ceremonies, and thus the definite marriage ring is worn on the left arm. Old beliefs tell the left hand’s ring finger is connected to a blood vase which leads directly to one’s heart. Anatomically, such a thing doesn’t exist, as in fact all fingers are connected to the heart through blood vases, of course. This so-called “vena amoris” (Latin for “vein of love”) is a concept of uncertain historical origins, yet one that influenced many cultures. In this context, the left arm becomes a symbol associated with marriage. And we know marriage is an “until God parts us” or “until Death makes us part” bond, so that speaks a lot about the relationship of the two.

To conclude 9S removing and attaching 2B´s arm to replace his severed one had it`s practical reasons. There is also potential symbolical meaning behind it, as we have explored in the course of this post. Maybe 9S wanted a more lasting memory of 2B, after having lost his memories so many times. The left hand being associated with marriage is also an interesting thing to ponder. 

I`d like to thank Lav again for coming up with all of these intriguing ideas.  
