#nightmare tw


Whumptober 2021



“Good. You’re finally awake.” | nightmares | panic



⚠️ Read the tags for warnings ⚠️


Shiro had always had trouble sleeping but ever since he spent time in that galra prison he’d barely slept at all. He would fall asleep relatively easily but then he would begin to sweat, shake and sometimes even scream. It was always the same nightmare, he was strapped to an operating table and Haggar is there with her druids. The next thing he knows is that Haggar was taking his arm and just like that it was gone.

One night in particular was rather bad, he had suspected as much since he had trouble falling asleep. He started sweating, then came the shaking and finally without warning he was screaming at the top of his lungs. The other paladins who where in there rooms heard the screams and ran to Shiro’s room. What they saw when they arrived was Shiro curled up on himself, sweating and shaking whilst letting out pained screams. The screaming calmed down but the sweating and shaking only got worse.

Keith was the first to approach the bed where his brother was laying. The gently ran his fingers through Shiro’s hair. Shiro stirred but never woke up but the shaking seemed to calm down slightly. The other paladins left leaving Keith to take care of his brother. Keith laid on the floor next to Shiro’s bed.

Not long after Keith laid down Shiro bolted upright sweating and breathing heavily. Keith was quick to get up and sit on the edge of the bed comforting him. After little persuasion Keith was laid down next to Shiro holding him in a tight grip soothing him back to sleep and for the first time in a long time Shiro felt truly safe …

[ Word count - 283]
