#nikhil goyal

good: Best of 2012: The Five Most Extraordinary Things to Happen in Education- Nikhil Goyal wrote


Best of 2012: The Five Most Extraordinary Things to Happen in Education
Nikhil Goyal wrote in Education

It’s been quite an incredible year in the education space. While we’ve witnessed a surge in the number of politicians with no education experience make decisions on how schools should run and a wider adoption of nonsensical ideas like the “flipped classroom” and value-added teacher evaluations, there have been some memorable, equation-changing events and initiatives that have emerged.

So, let’s highlight five of the most extraordinary things that happened in education in 2012:

  1. The Students Speak Out
  2. Alternatives to Higher Education
  3. Caine’s Arcade
  4. Chicago Teachers Strike
  5. Massively Open Online CoursesMOOCs

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Illustration by Corinna Loo

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